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THE United States of America has never had a president with a loose tongue like the current US President Donald Trump, which is a known fact. This president speaks his mind, and whatever is in his mind lacks diplomatic language.He does not possess political experience, but instead has wide business experience as a billionaire who owns properties and vast businesses.Many Americans and Europeans possess huge wealth, but the majority of their wealth was generated, in the recent times, through their major ownership in multi-million companies, especially those linked with the modern means of communication such as the Internet.President Trump deals with presidents openly like the way he deals with his clients or junior businesspersons. It is clear that he deals with them using a high voice and imposing his opinion on them, such that all they can do is yield to him and accept his orders, in case he does not have another option.We watched some video clips of the way he shouted and spoke in the White House with his guests from the Arab world, especially from the Gulf countries. He keeps on jabbing day and night about the fact that he is protecting them due to which they should pay for such protection in trillions of dollars.Indeed, Trump has forgotten millions and billions, and has recently been focusing on trillions; personally I do not know how many millions are there in that amount. This demand is based on the principle of – ask a lot and you will get what you want, even if it is lesser than what you were demanding.Nonetheless, as we usually say, the devil knows his lord. Trump does not deal with every president the way he is dealing with our people. For instance, the way Trump deals with the young North Korean President Kim Jong-un is completely different.Recently, Trump agitated the social media with words that received wide global attention last week when he was speaking with his base supporters in the State of Virginia. The US President mentioned that Jong-un and he have fallen in love, and that Kim sent to him beautiful and wonderful letters.This happened just few weeks after Trump extolled Kim before the United Nations’ General Assembly by describing him – Kim – as wonderful.Later in New York, Trump, in clear contradiction for which he is known, reiterated his call to the countries to abide by the US sanctions on North Korea until it denuclearizes itself.Some welcomed the praise showered by Trump on Kim, especially when remembering last year’s tension buildup in Washington towards North Korea when he threatened before the United Nations to “completely destroy” the communist country, and mocked President Kim by describing him as the “rocket man”.In return, President Kim responded at that time by casting doubts on the mental health of the US President and describing him as “lunatic”. This occurred last August.This is how days pass for us, seeing the one who was described as “lunatic” fall in love with the “rocket man”.Didn’t we tell you that Trump and his type are unreliable?e-mail: [email protected]By Ali Ahmed Al-BaghliFormer Minister of Oil