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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

BY lifting sanctions imposed on Iran due to its nuclear program, the international community removed one of the bombs from the minefield that the Iranian regime has planted for the last 37 years. This started with the ‘export’ of revolution, followed by supporting terrorist groups and it now has reached the level of ballistic missiles.

Therefore, it is early to say that the Iranian regime has restored its place as an active member of the international community in terms of supporting efforts toward development and world peace.

We need to congratulate the people of Iran on the decision to lift the embargo. As the entire world wishes Iranians to benefit from the wealth which will flow into their country, it also hopes this wealth will not be redirected to fund terrorist groups in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa, where its evil recently reached places like Senegal and Nigeria under the pretext of ‘exporting’ the revolution.

In this case, it is imperative for the impoverished Iranians to form a strong internal oversight in the renegade country, to go hand in hand with international oversight by the six countries in the nuclear deal and other international organizations.

This is not only for the implementation of the agreement, as it is also an oversight over the characteristics of the peacock regime, particularly the manner by which it deals with other issues that are still on the table of scrutiny.

Today, Iran and its people are facing a difficult test on future relations with the world. If they succeed in the implementation of the agreement and utilization of government funds to develop the country and reduce the poverty rate, then they can solve the remaining problems with the United Nations (UN). This, in turn, could lead to lifting all the sanctions.

However, if they continue to be the captives of ambitions of the Revolutionary Guard and its hot-headed officials, while the latter keep on interfering with the affairs of neighboring countries similar to what is currently happening in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, the doors of countries will definitely be closed on the face of Iran.

If Iranian President Hassan Rohani sees the lifting of sanctions as the “opening of a golden page with the world”, the first thing he must write on this chapter is the need to stop hurting other countries and to let go of the policies of killing a victim and mourning, in order to lessen tensions caused by Iran’s regime in the region in the past three decades. These sanctions did not start with the revival of the nuclear project, as they were due to the Mullah regime’s practices in various parts of the world.

Despite the long suffering of GCC countries due to the actions of the renegade neighbor on the other side of the Gulf, it is our honor to congratulate the people of Iran. We hope they overcome their ordeal by putting pressure on their regime to improve its attitude towards its neighbors. The regime should abandon the ‘export’ of revolution project which has brought miseries to its people. We also hope the nuclear file becomes an unforgettable lesson for Iran.

By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times