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The nanny called me while I was abroad, complaining saying there was no Internet. The company was asked, as a matter of urgency, to look into the matter quickly, and they said that the service has a price.
After examining the entire network and connections, it became clear that everything was proper and they were surprised by the defect after three hours of work which cost me 35 dinars and it turned out that the home phone was disconnected from service.

The next day, I deputed someone to check with the ministry, so after maneuvering with the traffic jam stood in a queue, and it turned out that a petty amount had not been paid for some time.
When asking about the reason for not sending a warning by various means that fall under the control of this particular ministry, including WhatsApp and others, to save the time and effort of tens of thousands of visitors to the ministry, the employee gave the same answer that the Iraqi officer during the Palestine war said, when they asked him to take part in the war he quipped, ‘There are no orders’.

The story of ‘No Orders’ began shortly after the liberation when the Minister of Communications decided at the time that it was time to privatize some of the ministry’s activities and the beginning was with assigning the private sector to print and deliver bills to more than 500,000 landline phones.
The tender was floated and the majority of the prices were around 1.2 million dinars, but the minister decided to assign the work to an ignorant tenderer who offered to do the task for 75 thousand dinars and it was an amount that was not enough to purchase printing devices, let alone print them and distribute invoices to 6 million people annually.

The tenderer failed and the bank guarantee he submitted was withdrawn, and the situation has remained the same since that day.
Coinciding with my writing this article, I received a message from a friend telling me that the service had been disconnected from his father’s phone, which he desperately needed, knowing that his father had never failed to pay everything he owed to the state.

The friend says that he believed the idea of e-government and decided to use the Mata (When) platform, where he booked an appointment, went to the communication center and found the gate wide open for everyone, and there was no need for an appointment, although the crowding inside was heavy, and the majority of the visitors deliberately humiliated for not paying their subscriptions.
The friend took his place in the long queue, and when his turn came, after a long wait, it turned out that the bill was only five dinars and nine hundred and sixty fils, the cost of three international calls.

The re-connection of the service after paying the petty amount cost my friend tens of times that trivial amount, besides wasting time and effort.
Note that the Ministry of Communications has an army of employees, in a country which is the only one in this whole wide world where there is no postal service, and if it were not for the need for the Internet, everyone would have been satisfied with mobile phone services, and the ministry would have closed the phone administration, while keeping thousands of employees to continue working.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf