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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

DECEMBER 2 is not an ordinary date in the Gulf and Arab history. It is a ‘station’ for learning how to succeed and establish a modern country that consists of several emirates through the determination of Gulf leaders whom the entire nation remembers.

These leaders made unity their destiny, so they achieved it. This unity has been deeply-rooted for 44 years, along with the rising of a new dawn; not only in terms of construction and services but also on the cultural level. This is being done through the people’s keenness to acquire knowledge as palaces spread in various cities. Knowledge contributes to improving the level of their participation in the enlightenment process which transformed the country into a big cultural workshop.

Whenever the United Arab Emirates celebrates its National Day, it presents the cultural model that each Arab citizen wishes to be replicated in his country, because such capabilities distinguished the leaders of the country — both the founders and the current leaders. They pushed the country to become a regional and Arab power in less than half a century.

In addition, the country is known in all continents as an economic and cultural center whose leaders are wise enough to use the national income in a continuous process of building. This process did not stop even at the height of the international economic crisis. It surmounted the crisis faster than countries with more resources. This is the UAE economically.

Politically, the UAE has become a key corner in the movement of the region, considering its role in sharing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s stance in supporting Egypt in a bid to get the latter back from the claws of Brotherhood Movement that controlled the country.

Militarily, nobody can deny the important role that the UAE played in Yemen and how its military forces were the first to enter Aden City, paving way for the liberation of Yemen from the Houthis — the agents of Iran.

In defending the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, this youthful country was not found wanting in terms of maintaining regional security. It sacrificed a lot as the number of martyrs commemorated annually is a good indicator of how far the UAE can go.

HH the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al-Nahyan expressed this when he said, “The citizens of the UAE, through their memorable stand, have affirmed the strength of the Emirati society, its solidarity and unity, as well as cooperation among its people. They displayed the true picture of the original Emirates as a single indivisible family, which is the proof of the strong foundation and enduring structure of the nation.”

Whatever the Emirates has achieved in the past four decades and the current achievements were possible due to the efforts of leaders in whose minds Allah puts love for the country. The UAE has become the lungs through which the GCC nationals and Arabs are breathing economically, politically and even in terms of security.

The country’s leaders believe that determination is required to overcome all difficulties and to build strong nations. These leaders are being remembered today by the citizens of the Emirates, Arabian Gulf and the entire Arab world. The incoming generations will remember them, while appreciating this illuminating symbol of unity even at a time when division gripped the Arab World. Thanks to the founding fathers and faithful children who ensured that the mission is accomplished.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times