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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IN ANY country, judicial rulings are considered internal affairs in which no other nation is allowed to interfere. If the officials in Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Ministry are oblivious to this international relations principle, they should peruse the judicial history of Egypt for them to realize that its judicial system has never been an ‘employee’ of the leadership elite. This applies to the military or party leadership the way it has been in Turkey since the declaration of the Ataturk Republic in the 20th century till date.

Paradoxically, Ankara’s government is resentful of rulings issued beyond reasonable doubt and supported with substantial evidence concerning several leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Group including Mohammad Morsi on charges of exchanging information with other countries and HAMAS which has been listed as a terrorist group or carrying out terrorist acts inside the country.

The Turkish judiciary issued a series of rulings against Turkish journalists and columnists who expressed their opinions. The toughest punishment was imposed on them just because they criticized the government. This means Turkey sees the dust in the eyes of others while forgetting the stick in its eyes.

If the party’s zeal prompted Turkey to interfere with the internal affairs of Egypt up to such an outrageous level, the cold head of the country evaluates issues based on its interests and the international agreements signed in this regard impose respect for the sovereignty of other countries. Ankara has been oblivious to this fact in the past two years.

Perhaps, Erdogan’s leadership still lives in the Ottoman Empire cloak. Therefore, it should get out of the dungeons of the 19th century and head towards the horizons of the 21st century for it to realize that Egypt is an independent country which practices sovereignty on its land according to the law that no other country is allowed to interfere regardless of the circumstances.

The government of the Turkish Justice and Development Party (Turkish brotherhood) failed to realize that what happened in Egypt was not a military coup as it has been in Turkey for decades until it became a normal issue.

Egypt was taken back from the hands of the ‘Brotherhood’ after being hijacked by the latter in 2011. The ‘Brotherhood’ attempted to sell the sovereignty of Egypt in the international trusteeship market, in addition to crippling its laws to serve the interests of the pillars of the group which strived to take control over economy and destroy everything built in the past decades.

What happened in Egypt is completely different from what has been happening in Turkey. In Egypt, the military is always on the side of the people and it does not interfere with the ruler. The military heeded calls of about 40 million Egyptians on June 30, 2013 to protect the nation and its destiny. This military did not interfere with the affairs of other countries the way Turkey’s military is violating the sovereignty of neighboring countries. Erdogan’s interference in the affairs of Egypt is not for the sake of imposing justice, it is rather an attempt to destabilize this country which always rejects foreign intervention.

Ankara should realize that the people’s revolution on June 30, 2013 was an Arab revolution which chopped off the head of the snake to save Egypt and its allies in the Arab world from the venom by ‘burying’ the destructive project.

On Turkey condemning Egypt’s judicial rulings, this act is regarded as a new document which will be added to the black record of the international branches of the ‘Brotherhood’.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times