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The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was established in 1947 to carry out espionage and resist spying, and attributed to it a long series of political and military operations in many countries of the world. It also had a role in military coups and individual and collective assassinations. It also tampered with American and other trade unions, cultural and student organizations and interfered in their activities and in the unions’ movement, in addition to its funding of many publishing houses to publish what supports America’s policies, and the use of knowledgeable and competent personalities to market their ideas and beliefs.

The establishment of the agency came two years after the dissolution of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was established during World War II, and it was the office that in 1944 distributed a secret handbook to be a guide for some citizens of the Axis countries, including the Germans, the Japanese and the Italians, especially those sympathetic to America and its allies to carry out minor sabotage activities in their respective countries.

This handbook was declassified in 2008 and is now available on the CIA’s website. The purpose of the handbook is to give instructions for learning how to help weaken America’s enemies by reducing production in factories,  offices, and transportation lines as much as possible.

Among these instructions, some of which appear outdated and others are still relevant to the present are a reminder of how easily a nation’s productivity can be undermined, sabotaging its system, sabotaging productivity by insisting that everything is done through specific channels, and not allowing shortcuts in the decision-making process, speaking at length when making speeches and repetition, telling long stories and narrating personal experiences and referring them to committees for further study, and that the committees be large in number to increase the loss of time, while insisting on raising irrelevant cases repeatedly, referring to issues that have been decided upon, and trying to reopen them and discuss their correctness, with calling for caution and rationality, urging colleagues

to be reasonable and to avoid haste that may lead to embarrassment with superiors later. Instructions also include the necessity of giving important jobs to the in[1]competent, giving incompetent workers undeserved promotions, holding conferences when there is more important work to be done, doubling the procedures and requesting the signature of the largest number of signatories for approval.

Finally (and this is from me), encouraging the official to seek the assistance of those whose performance has been proven to be modest in all the positions they have previously held, and whose powers expired years ago and to appoint them to the most sensitive positions. These instructions were abolished in 1945, but it seems that copies of the handbook leaked to the majority of government employees, where we see them following what was stated in it, forming a fifth column that no one

assigned them to carry out its tasks, but rather they do so voluntarily or perhaps as an approach to God, to sabotage their homeland, consciously or otherwise. When will our government be aware of this danger and purify and develop the government administration, starting from the top?

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