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We have previously expressed our doubts about the composition of the Parliament and its ability to modernize legislation and lift the nation from its stumbling blocks.

A quick look at the ideas and backgrounds of some deputies clearly show that they are not there to legislate, nor to advance the country from a series of setbacks, but rather to achieve specific, often personal, partisan and religious agendas. This is what is playing on their minds.

How can a Parliament have two members who are in prison. How they can be declared victorious when they are suspected of committing electoral violations?

How can parliament have half of its deputies classified as sectarian, some supporting this party and others against it. This is in addition to a considerable number of those who are famous for their historical opposition to the “one-vote” system, and they have previously accused everyone who participated of treachery, then they simply made 180 degrees turnaround and retracted their previous statements and participated in the recent elections without showing any remorse or even an apology, or half a justification for the reasons for changing their positions?

Also, there are some representatives in Parliament who are loyal, and are openly affiliated with foreign organizations, and “hear and obey”, their leaders and there are those who previously immunized a former prime minister from interrogations to return to the previous assembly and deny the same thing to others, and more than that by participating in the immoral game of barcodes, then walking in the assembly like a peacock, proud of their shameful acts.

There are also other fanatical representatives and those with flawed positions, and then someone comes out and expresses his pride of this squad and accuses the government of not reading the people’s message well. This does not mean that the government is innocent and did not commit mistakes that are difficult to defend.

We did not wait long to prove the validity of our expectations as Representative Hamad Al-Matar, one of the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, came out inviting the deputies to meet in his office under the pretext of coordinating positions on the elections of the committees, and in fact it is violating the rights of other MPs, who are not invited to the parliament’s committees.

Moreover, he was not ashamed for not inviting the two women deputies, Alia Al-Khaled and Jenan Ramadan Boushehri, but to avoid being embarrassed he asked them to express their desires to join the committees by phone.

It also became clear through several WhatsApp messages that Al-Matar did not invite some of the representatives of the Shiite movement. It is also said that MP Obaid Al-Wasmi was not invited to the meeting.

Representative Alia Al-Khaled expressed her astonishment for not being invited to the parliamentary meeting, and representative Jenan Boushehri shared her view, adding that preventing them from participating has nothing to do with “embarrassment” but rather a “war of exclusion.”

The sad and strange thing is that the person who invited him is an academic (!) and among those who attended his lectures were women of different ages.

He also met with the women of his constituency before each election and asked them to vote for him, and received them at his headquarters after his victory, so how did the meeting with two female colleagues become embarrassing? Is the speaker here a member of parliament, or someone else who represents a different thought?

The act of deputy Al-Matar is a fall I feel ashamed to  put a description of it. The behavior of the rest of the representatives, especially those who claim “professionalism”, “liberalism” and “patriotism”, and their silence about insulting their colleagues, is more shameful and their flaw is even greater. Will these be future legislators for me, my children and my grandchildren?

It looks like I’m having a strange nightmare.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf