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IT IS a call to the conscience of leaders in three components — the Khalijis, Arabs and Muslims. It is a realistic reading of entities which will crumble if no one stops the degradation.

This is how His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah placed his words in all the three summits in the most sacred place on earth, to sound the alarm for this nation to wake up from its slumber and redeem itself from getting lost in the open desert for it to return to its glory and unity — principles emphasized by our religion.

His Highness the Amir’s words were not different from his previous ones in terms of transparency and harmony in the aspect of bringing close the reality of the Gulf region as well as the Arab and Muslim worlds.

He gave a detailed description of the suffering of these organizations as events are moving fast without any serious attempt to stop the huge degradation being endured, starting from the fact that his speeches are considered a roadmap to the future.

His Highness the Amir’s speeches include a call for Khalijis to put out the flames of their differences and return into the fold of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) — their natural incubator — as there is no escape from it irrespective of some periodic changes or blowing of the wind which carried some of its members to wrong places.

It is imperative to ensure that wisdom and solidarity prevail by choosing dialogue in order to contain the situation, which is no longer friendly; while the enemies rejoice in preying on the organization.

It is a call from a wise Arab man to Arab leaders to fear for their nations and abandon their losing bets on an illusion as previous experiences proved that it is futile, waste and regression.

They should realize the magnitude of destruction caused by their slackness towards lingering differences within Arab circles which fell victim to internal conflicts and civil wars that made them more vulnerable and weak.

The position taken by His Highness the Amir in the three summits formed a bold fix line in terms of vision, sincerity in approach and honest invitation to work on clear principles; clean of malice in the process of building the future where there is no misstep or recklessness which will lead the region to ceaseless disasters that cannot be contained.

This will happen especially in this time when the devil is dancing between details while sparking flames of sedition and sectarianism. Once the flame starts, it will burn the entire region.

The position taken by His Highness the Amir in the Islamic summit was not different from the one he took in Gulf and Arab summits. His position is inspired by his political and diplomatic experience in which majority of Muslim nations endured problems and worked for long to solve difficult challenges. In the end, flames were extinguished through peaceful solutions and challenges turned into opportunities between brothers for them to cooperate while moving forward.

On this note, His Highness the Amir put matters on point in a very frank and transparent manner. He pointed out the basis of tribulation in Muslim nations saying, “Our nation is going through a difficult situation in its position in the world. Unfortunately, the situation is unsettling as 37 percent of the population in the Muslim world is below the poverty line — a total of 5.7 million people.”

He added, “61 percent of the displaced people in the world come from Muslim countries, 40 percent of our population is illiterate and the unemployment rate could exceed seven percent. These figures are alarming and saddening at the same time, urging us to contemplate on the implications and repercussions.”

These problems can be solved only through dialogue and discussion by opening the doors of brotherhood and friendship, and to untangle the cause of disputes regardless of its intensity and ramification through which the dust of misunderstanding will be clear and those involved will realize their mistakes.

Nations in this condition will not progress despite the rich history and wealthy presence. At the end of the day, it lacks proper direction to follow in the future.

His Highness the Amir’s words contain historic experience and human emotion. He believes in the spirit of his nation and people, and fear from the lurking danger. Hence, said it is the Amir’s warning call to the conscience of the leaders of the Muslim world.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times