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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

TWO days ago, Lebanon woke up to a horrific scene. A Lebanese man burned himself in front of his daughters’ school due to his inability to pay her school fee installment.

This summarizes the situation that the Arab country has reached due to organized looting practiced by the de facto authority which politically imposed itself on Lebanon and its people. Consequently, the country is drowning in chaos, poverty and rising crime rate that reached unprecedented levels.

We, the Arabs, have never heard even during the peak of the Lebanese civil war that a Lebanese decided to burn himself due to financial difficulties. But today when we saw news bulletins and horrific pictures, we realized the meaning of the ruling system based on sectarian and creedal quota.

Lebanon would not have entered this dark tunnel if its politicians worked for the benefit of their country, not for their interests. They should have disallowed using major projects as means for gaining wealth at the expense of the people, leaving the country choking in debt which has reached $95 billion and counting.

Despite all this, none of the politicians came out, except for some statements which neither nourish nor alleviate hunger. This is due to the fact that when it comes to ‘Ali Baba’ mode, ethical and moral values fall. In addition, the crime of someone burning himself becomes normal; up to a point where none of the officials even condemned the circumstances which prompted the father to burn himself.

All this started when the Lebanese turned a blind eye to the illegitimate army like the adage: “When you feed the mouth, the eyes become shy.” This encouraged the illegitimate army to continue looting and milking the country.

Bit by bit, they surrendered the leadership to Hezbollah militias whose leader came out recently to reiterate his demand to turn Lebanon into the backyard of Iran where it throws garbage brought about by its conflict with the international community.

In his recent propaganda speech, Nasrallah announced that his militia group will provide the Lebanese Army with Iranian weapons and medicines. At the same time, he brought back the slogan he used in the past century on establishing an Islamic republic in Lebanon; similar to what Iran has done since 1979.

At some point during the darkness of civil war in Lebanon, the Lebanese were looking for a beam of light in the tunnel in order to get out of it. The light appeared when the will of Arabs came with the Taif Agreement sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The agreement was aimed at harmonizing the Lebanese with a new constitution to end their miseries.

However, they refused to implement the agreement up to this day due to pressure from an outlaw gang under the pretext resistance against Israel’s occupation.

Earlier, Nabih Berri, head of militia group ‘Amal’, announced during his conflict with the Hezbollah that the situation in South Lebanon is similar to the Israeli occupation. However, it seems the allure of power emptied his brain of that position. Instead, he followed the representative of Iran’s supreme leader in Lebanon.

Now, he is just a tool in the hands of Iran. This is exactly the case of the so-called ‘Free Patriotic Movement’ party whose founder Michel Aoun was pleased to be under the command of Iran’s occupation in his greed for power. He is the same person who announced over and over again while he was in exile that Hezbollah is a terrorist group.

It is not strange anymore to see a Lebanese burning himself as long as the political class is unable to stand for the truth before an oppressive authority that imposed his will through the weapons he has been bragging about. He continues to destroy the country and impoverish its people in a bid to implement the Persian expansionism scheme in the region.

In front of this horrible image in Lebanon and the helplessness that its political force is enduring in confronting Hezbollah; we call on the Arabs, especially the Gulf nations, to stop feeding the tumor with supplements. I mean the economic and financial aids, because these aids will just strengthen the role of Iran in enhancing the rule of terrorists and ‘Yobbos’.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times