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THE UN Security Council’s endorsement of the results of the recent Iraqi elections came as a fatal blow to the camp of the militias affiliated with Iran. Therefore, the demands of this camp for manual counting, or the rerun of the elections on the original date in 2022 are no longer valid. Today, they are trying to prove their ability to destabilize civil peace under the slogan “Either we are in power, or no country”.

The pressures exerted by these gangs will not change the reality in which the Iraqis have proven that they are fed up with corruption, the wear and tear of institutions, and the political class’s subservience to Iran. Meanwhile, the sectarian slogans, which used to be a force of attraction, fell with the October uprising in 2019, and this was translated into the ballot boxes on October 10.

Irrespective of the declared positions of these forces, and those who follow them on the street, the result is still the affirmation that change will not stop at the borders of Baghdad, and that the lie about Tehran’s control over four Arab capitals has been exposed.

The extent of the weakness of this axis, which suffers political losses daily with the military, after the Iraqis closed the doors to Iran, represents the cutting off of oxygen from the rest of the axis members who are also trying to cling to the stage of hegemony, even if is by force in the countries where they have lost ground.

The Iranian defeat in Iraq made the Lebanese Hezbollah crazy, due to which they proceeded with premeditation to raise the ceiling of obstructing the investigation into the explosion at the Beirut Port to its fullest. On a parallel line, they proceeded to fabricate the bloody events in Tayouneh area, which represent a sensitive incident in the memories of the Lebanese, as it reminds them of the painful effect of the civil war. This is an attempt by them to delude the other parties that this gang is capable of taking the country into civil war if it does not get what it wants.

On the other hand, they are also working on another line to delay the parliamentary elections that will take place in March so as not to lose its hegemony over the constitutional institutions.

As for the third capital Sana’a, Iran suffered a series of defeats after the recent developments in the Ma’rib front, and the Houthis incurred more heavy losses. This is a confirmation of the failure of the plan to desecrate the Arabian Peninsula, and occupy the holy places in Mecca and Medina to be used in the imperial expansive project.

In Syria after the painful blows received by the Revolutionary Guards from Israel and their inability to respond to them, the Syrian popular resentment against them and the sectarian gangs affiliated with them is growing. Damascus is beginning to restore its relations with Arab capitals, and Moscow has given the green light to Tel Aviv to freely operate in the Syrian air, which represents a shift in the Russian position on the Iranian presence in Syria.

All of this has put Tehran on the brink of a regional strategic abyss. Also, the American and European position on its return to the Vienna negotiating table has been tough, which either accepts it as it is, or it returns to facing harsher sanctions than before.

These regional and international developments are matched by continuous protests inside Iran, and a growing resentment against the regime, which has caused the greatest economic, living and health disaster for its people and led them to be isolated internationally. This would mean that the end of this expansionist sectarian nightmare that has worried the world for 42 years is imminent.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times