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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT LOOKS like the Houthis and the deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh do not want the solution to the problem in Yemen. They do not want to put a stop to the bloodshed and disaster and other than this there is no other interpretation for the delay in dialogue in Kuwait.

They will not gain anything by shedding blood of the innocent people. They are buying time in the hope of seeing a miracle on the horizon to resuscitate the coup after it was crushed by the supporters loyal to the government and the 25-member Arab coalition.

The Operation Resolve has poured cold water on all Iranian expansionist projects by defeating the insurgent forces of Ansarullah of the deposed leader.

If the Houthis and the deposed president are betting for time to change the current situation on the ground to better their chances during the dialogue, they are day-dreaming.

The destiny of the Houthis and the deposed leader has been sealed and there is no going back. The time is now to cut off the arms of al-Qaeda and DAESH and put an end to the criminal adventurism of the Houthis.

Therefore, the excuses which have snowballed from Sana’a and Saeda will not change the situation on the ground rather they will be dragged to the international gallows based on Decision No. 2216.

These people have no alternative to national peace talks to ease the pressure on them. It is the only way out for them. The idea to continue with the war adds to their criminal record which will close the window of opportunity in front of them.

The world does not need any proof to substantiate the violations committed by the Houthis since the first time a ceasefire agreement was reached.

The crimes they commit are clear for everyone to see to an extent that even their supporters can see through their lies. This made it necessary for the resistance forces and the Islamic coalition to put a limited action to stop the Houthis in their track so if they are keen on getting out of the crisis they should stop their maneuvers and start looking for a way out to heal the Yemen wound.

Also it is necessary for the Houthis to realize that the Saudi border that is regarded as the southern gateway to the Gulf is now completely safe after the coalition forces wiped out the Iranian-Houthi-Saleh threat out of that arena.

The GCC countries are fully committed to putting the Yemeni house in order involving all stake holders with support from the entire world.

For this the Houthis should seize this historic opportunity otherwise they should think of what has happened to war criminals in Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya and Ivory Coast.

Yemen which is a strategic location cannot be allowed to become another Somalia or its citizens to be put at the mercy of terrorist groups who have been misbehaving along the southern gateway of the Gulf.

The insurgents and the coup planners should know very well that the world is ready to fight them not just the Arab coalition if they refuse to be listen to reason.

They should learn from the lessons they were taught by the Operation Resolve and bow to international decisions. So they should not attempt to destroy the house of Yemen. The Arab nations will never allow Yemen to become an entry point for Iran and terrorist groups or any other group that does not wish well for the region.

Therefore, the best thing is for them to desist from the unrealistic excuses and participate with good intention on the table of dialogue on which rests the fate of Yemen.

They must understand that agreements among the Yemeni warring parties will be welcomed by all. Possibly — as we have mentioned before — it may be the best way out for the Houthis and Saleh; otherwise the door to the International Criminal Court will be wide open to them.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times