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The push towards tribalism and sectarianism which we have been seeing around us since the beginning of parliamentary life sixty years ago – with no signs of waning – will destroy our parliamentary life and our future.

There is no doubt that all the hassle which we see to ‘grab’ the Green Seat has nothing to do with the development of the nation or legislation, freedom, brotherly ties or equality, but rather to make hay while the sun shines. It is obvious those who reach the Parliament are stepping in the shoes of their predecessors, often with the government blessing. We cannot expect the general approach to change over the next four years, even with scarce resources.

The government wants to win the loyalties of MPs by all available means. There is no doubt that we, like other countries of the world are suffering from the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the problems the virus has created, as we continue to fight corruption at all levels.

It is evident that the extent of damage done to the people and their pockets has made the ordinary citizen lose confidence in the government at the security and political levels.

The events which ‘rain poison’ proves the wealth of any country has no meaning if the hearts are filled with hatred, racism and tribalism as a result of which nations, big and small, poor and rich will be destroyed right before our eyes.

We have taught our children how to multiply, how to perform ablution, how to pray, to memorize the poems of Imru al-Qais, and recently a four-year-old was taught to memorize the Holy Quran, but in the midst of all this obsession with religious education, we failed to impart on them the true meaning of citizenship and morality.

Over the course of 75 years, our wealth, institutions and individualism have increased, but our patriotism and morals have declined with every government failing to hold accountable the so-called ‘abusers’ – abusers of public money, violators of law – while the poor and the weak who have no support are punished.

The hand of the law does not reach the whales (influential people) and the corrupt military personnel who take advantage of government laxity to escape prosecution. We have been deliberately transformed into a people waiting for government morsel and as soon as they finish chewing on the food, they stretch hands for another.

When the state sought to offer (to subscribe) shares to its children in new companies a majority failed to buy them under false pretexts and this allowed the so-called ‘vampires’ to increase their wealth, and then we heard the voices of the laggard from a distance, demanding cancellation of the loans.

The only successful investment is in the human, the human which we have forgotten, because we have forgotten that we exist in the world. We have focused all our strength, time and efforts on pushing this human to win the hereafter. Although this is acceptable, we should not later on rue over our weaknesses while others in their rush trample over our honor.

A nation of a billion-and-a-half people has billions on purchasing one device – the cellphone – let alone thousands of other devices, which weigh no more than 200 grams, but holds millions of ideas, innovations, inventions and applications.

However our tongue is still longer than others, our danger is greater than others, our harm is greater than others, but our benefit to humanity hovers near the zero level compared to others. This is because we give prominence to sects and tribes, and will continue to walk this road.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf