Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

Without the quick intervention of security operatives at the right time, the number of victims in the tragic Paris incident would have reached thousands because the terrorists were waiting for spectators to leave Stade de France after the football match between France and Germany game and then execute their sinful plan.

Security intervention with utmost professionalism reduced the level of disaster. Things are difficult to control in such a situation, especially when facing suicide bombers who are filled with hatred towards humanity and ready to die in order to execute their evil agenda.

It is evident that the terrorist plan focused on diverting attention and hindering the security efforts in order to carry out multiple attacks simultaneously in areas not far from one another. Of course, the stadium was the main target, but by providence and efforts of security operatives, further devastation was averted.

Following the failure of the Stade de France attack, the focus was on Bataclan concert hall where an American musical band was performing for a large crowd. This incident claimed over 80 innocent lives, whose only sin was their presence in that location.

I will not get into the details of the incident now, as they are being covered extensively on the social media to such an extent that people are aware of the unprecedented bloodshed in this capital of light. I will instead touch upon one aspect of this tragic occurrence.

Based on simple analysis, it is clear that a massive plan was formed in this regard with controlled logistic funding and precise management of the positions and movement of terrorists. This was deduced from the method of distributing assignments and selecting target locations, which was carried out with high level of professionalism. It is impossible to carry out such an incident with shoddy arrangement.

Two days prior to the incident, there was an explosion in Beirut. The Russian airplane crash occurred shortly before that. The link between those incidents could be useful for investigators. It is even more important to analyze France’s international relations in terms of the current incidents in the Middle East, because there could be interlinked connections in some of these incidents.

I did not and will never believe that DAESH alone was behind this incident. Even though the group could be an active participant in the execution, it cannot only execute without having a hand in the planning. The plan was bigger than the capability of this reckless gang. Groups that are more organized and have necessary capabilities and experiences in such massacres must have been behind this incident!

Gentlemen, identify the sponsors and financiers of DAESH, because they are the brains behind this incident; DAESH is merely their product. They are the basis and such an incident will be repeated unless they are rounded up and held accountable for the action.

Regarding DAESH, it is merely an evil tool that carries out action under the instructions of its financiers who provide the logistics and other types of support that has transformed them into the worst tools for terrorism globally.

With due respect to the French President Francois Hollande, the solution is not about shelling DAESH strongholds for revenge. The best solution is uprooting the bloodthirsty groups that can be described by the adage — “I am the one sinking but the person who is scared for my sake is the one who is wet”.

This incident could have been an act of revenge against the honorable position taken by France regarding the Syrian case, as France gave preliminary encouragement to major positions of the international community on Syria.

Several other bloody incidents are bound to occur if the Syrian issue is not resolved. The wheel of evil will not be restricted to one place but will move to various places around the world. The world will not know peace unless the fast-growing tumor is completely removed.

I was in Paris few days ago and I met people from all parts of the world in that reputable historical city. I sat down with Arab Muslims — some of them have become French citizens and many others were on the verge of being naturalized. I understood from them that there are almost six million French Muslims living in that country with good jobs and absolute freedom even the freedom to practice their religion peacefully. Those people could have possibly been among the victims of this sinful terrorist act, which targeted both Muslims and non-Muslims. No power or strength will prevail without God.

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi