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The distinguished former minister and MP Mishari Al-Anjari, may be among those who can be described as retreating former officials, who have never been tempted by positions and have not sought them. When I look at his biography and the biographies of others who make a cluster of true patriots, such as the former MP Abdullah Al-Naibari and Dr Ahmad Al-Khatib, and dozens others, I feel proud of my belonging to a country where such people live. It is sufficient for them that their history for more than half a century has not witnessed a flaw, violation of the law, gain or exploitation of influence, and perhaps even a traffic violation.

It is known that these people repeatedly refused the idea of entering the ministry, or accepting the temptations to exercise power, even when some of them accepted the ministerial position after insistence and logical arguments after it was understood that their rejection means their reluctance to reform the administration they criticize, and leave the room for incompetent people.

Therefore they accepted the position temporarily and achieved real reforms that others did not dare to confront, but in the end like others chose to secede after it became clear to them, by virtue of practice and reality, that the government work is not always easy for those who want reform and that the authority has calculations that differ from those of the deputy or a minister.

The authority sees things through its own vision which often are the most sensitive, and is interested in satisfying more than one party, even if this results in some people getting upset or their future objection to accepting the government position, because the matter is related to a draft ruling, and it is more important for them than any other matter or project.

Al-Anjari wrote an article some time ago, which Al-Qabas republished at the beginning of last month, related to the increase in the issuance of decrees for appointing a minister in a number of government agencies, including governors, council secretaries, and dozens of others and that he discussed the constitutional and legal aspects of such appointments and found them unconstitutional, as a minister is the one who heads an executive authority and participates in drawing the state’s general policy, and all of these do not apply to holders of the title of minister by decree and they are not held accountable before the legislative authority.

The current new era came with good reforms, the most important of which was an end to the expansion of the use of decrees appointing ministers, and the request to holders of the title who exceeded four years in the position to submit their resignations, and this is what happened.

The article of brother Mishari Al-Anjari included  justification and evidence about the defect in many aspects and there is no doubt that there are many other matters that need to be considered, even if they are less important than the issue of the ministers of decrees, such as the special passports that were frequently issued in the past few years.

There are also government homes that belong to sovereign institutions, which were distributed based on favoritism and there is a dire need to set controls for granting them in future.

There is also a dire need to think about the fate of a significant number of high-ranking incumbents who have not worked for many years and are boasting about that in the media, as if the matter is pride or something similar.

There are many types of councils that are either paralyzed or have nothing much to do, such as the Provincial Council, which is said to have not met even once, and we wrote earlier that the governors do not have a real job, but with this they employ a number of senior officers, and a small army of employees, military and civilians.

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By Ahmad alsarraf