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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IN a country of institutions, transfer of power happens smoothly through prevailing legal texts and channels.

Therefore, in a constitutionally well-established country like Kuwait, the transfer of power from the great predecessor the late Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad to his successor His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad (May Almighty Allah be of his assistance and guidance) happened calmly and naturally.

The transfer of power in Kuwait is a great symbol of the age-old Kuwaiti heritage in this regard, dating back to four centuries ago.

Nonetheless, the confidence that the people of this country had towards the late Amir is the same that they undoubtedly harbor in the voice of reason in His Highness Abu Faisal, who is humble and close to all the people of Kuwait.

His clear vision, with which he works diligently, silently and wisely, is his apparent trait, let alone the fact that the task ahead is great, as he stated in his speech yesterday.

The people of this country are waiting for a lot of things from him, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic and the illness of the late Amir led to a series of problems that need urgent attention and response.

Yes Your Highness, our dear country is today facing delicate circumstances and serious challenges, and there is no way to overcome and escape from their consequences except through unity of ranks, concerted and sincere efforts from all of us, and the need for us to work hard collectively for the good of Kuwait and its loyal people.

This blessed and beloved country, with its people and rulers, cannot be based on hesitation in taking decisions, as we witnessed in the past months, especially when it comes to matters that affect the daily affairs of the people.

Therefore, His Highness the Amir today holds many steps ahead on the social, political, economic, and foreign policy levels. All of them will be a burden on the decision-maker if there is a government that lacks courage and is afraid of moving forward decisively.

Today we are in a country where wrong governmental treatments have led to stagnation of waters. Moving the waters and getting rid of the negative consequences caused by the stagnation in our place have become a necessity.

In the current era, there is no room for playing on people’s emotions or succumbing to the desires and interests of those who seek to achieve their goals through constitutional institutions and public funds.

There is no doubt that His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad’s affirmation of our pride in “our constitution and our democratic approach” requires the two authorities to translate it with serious work based on creativity in treatments. This can only be achieved through a government that derives its strength from the strength of His Highness the Amir, the wise and just, believing in the law as a natural path to evolution.

In light of the brutal storms that the region is witnessing, what Kuwait needs today is to fortify its internal arena with more unity, overcome disunity, prevent attacks on neighbors and brothers, and strengthen national cohesion. This can only be achieved by upholding the national interest over tribal and sectarian interests, and ensuring the language of dialogue prevails among all Kuwaitis.

It is true that the responsibility is great, but His Highness the Amir, who participated with the nation’s wise men in decision-making and building process for nearly six decades, has the wisdom and experience to enhance the strength of this country. This tried-and-true sword must be a torch where amputation is required, and decisive where firmness is required.

Today, Kuwait has renewed the historical national covenant by pledging allegiance to His Highness the Amir on his loyalty and obedience. Therefore, the hope that speaks the language of wisdom begins a new era in the history of Kuwait based on the concerted efforts of everyone to move forward in what befits this country, which is small in terms of its area but great in terms of its message and the solid will of its people.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times