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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
IN THE 1980s, Saddam Hussein threatened to wipe out Israel within hours employing a dualuse chemical. Before that, he bragged about his regime’s ability to defeat the most formidable force in the region. He engaged in war with Iran that lasted for eight years without achieving his objective — to remove the Mullah regime in order to thwart its exporting revolution and expansionism scheme.In 2003, the world came to know that the strength of the Iraqi regime was just a ‘Sahhaf’ vocal phenomenon (attributed to Al-Sahhaf, Iraq’s information minister at the time); and that the rhetoric of exterminating enemies along the Iraqi border was one of the illusionary slogans the Arabs fell for throughout the previous decades. For years now, the peacock pride regime in Tehran has been repeating Saddam’s façade.It has been bragging about its ballistic missiles, whereas its scheme depends on operating creedal and sectarian militias in a bid to fortify its claim of being the vindicator of aggrieved Shias in the world. Tehran has literally been executing the Israeli conviction to weaken the Arab and Muslim nations through internal fighting, instead of engaging in war with them.This tactic aims to make the Arab and Muslim nations preoccupied with themselves in a bid to prevent them from focusing on fighting against their enemy; hence, Tel Aviv found Tehran as its best tool for executing that scheme. Since the march of Khomeini’s movement started in Paris, there has always been someone within his retinue who ensures that the course of the movement serves the interest of Israel. The US and Israel have been operating based on this conviction for the past three decades.However, it seems the course has started to change, especially after Tel Aviv found it difficult to emancipate itself from the chuckles of the peace treaties it has signed with Jordan and Egypt, and diplomatic relations with Qatar and some Arab countries.This development has convinced the policy makers in Israel and US that Iran’s destructive tool will not remain under their control.In fact, Tehran has its own scheme to expand its influence horizontally by creating militia groups in regional countries and carrying out terrorist operations in various parts of the world — and vertically by changing the religious culture of nations and campaigns on converting people into Shias with the illusion that it can impose its opinion on the entire Muslim world.Iran’s scheme comes with the flexing of its weaponry and missile muscles, as well as militarization of community that is unacceptable for Israel and current US administration, which saw how Iran benefited from the nuclear deal sponsored by the previous US administration and the flow of money into its gangs in the region and the world. Indeed, there is a huge difference in military might between Iran and the US.Nevertheless, the supremacy of the latter does not prevent the former from using means of terrorism, which do not need intercontinental ballistic missiles. It is enough to see how Tehran helped al-Qaeda during the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks for it to be the unforgettable injury of the US. Since the launching of the peace train between Arabs and Israel, the regime in Iran has become a burden to its operators; thus, a change in strategy has become vital to prevent the cancerous expansion of Iran.Considering the current internal condition of Iran and the aftermath of the nuclear deal cancellation by the US, Iran is on a cliff and it will reach the bottom through local populace revolution with the help of the international community in pursuing leaders of the Mullah regime. Until then, we will witness the fall of Iran’s pillars in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq.This will be the first sign of the end of this ignorant enemy who is living in the age of darkness. This insolent enemy believes that he can rule 1.4 billion Muslims or impose the Persian religious culture on them at a time the Arab Shias hate him for the suffering he brought to them.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times[email protected]