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Miracles are supernatural things that are incompatible with the nature of the earth and human capacity, such as human presence in two places at the same time, and so on. The number of miracles in the world have been intense in the far past, but the number has begun to decline with human progress, increased knowledge and discoveries and the interpretations of many phenomena that were overlooked as supernatural and then revealed to be part of the movement of nature.

Miracles continued to decline until they reached zero with the invention of a photography or cinematography so it became difficult to convince others that a miracle happened without providing evidence. It was only a kind intelligence and illusion of others contrary to what they see and therefore we find that these magicians usually ask their employees to sign statements not to disclose the tricks of the magician in his/her games so as not to reveal the secrets.

Miracles, which have reached the zero level with the invention of the camera have begun to emerge and increased in the past few years and when the use of the WhatsApp became widespread. Many people believe and swear that they have seen images and scenes that seem to be miracles like penguins flying thousands of miles from one area to another, or swearing and believing that head of a state declared so and so although it was created with the help of photoshop.

There are dozens, even thousands of cases and similar stories that are looked upon as absurd events which once were frightening miracles in the eyes of many. This is one of the worst dangers of WhatsApp and its negative impact on the minds of even the most intelligent people.

With the increasing number of these tricks and the repeated evidences that they are fake and unreal we have become more reluctant in sharing them with others but the technique of forgery and manipulation has reached the advanced level to the extent that it becomes too difficult even for the expert to detect.

It has become possible to choose specific sections from the speeches of the American president, for example, make changes and then create another audio visual clip with perfect montage and dubbing, and with more research we find that the issue or the entire speech is fabricated.

Thus, as in ordinary life, we must all realize that a criminal usually precedes a security man by one or more steps. The criminal or the fraudster comes every day with a different applicable idea, and the securitymen have to reveal his crime and to catch up with it, not the opposite. Criminals, forgers and fabricators of clips, pictures and news are more professional than others whose job lies in uncovering the forgery.

Here we must doubt almost everything and don’t make haste to spread the news before carefully ensuring the authenticity of what we read and hear. We have to have patience. On most occasions most of the news reports we hear or read are incorrect. We hope Al-Mutawa will be patient and rethink or rather run a check before re-sending.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf