Arab Times will be publishing a series of letters sent by  Italian nationals from Gulf countries

Letters to
Sattam Al-Jarallah
The Arab Times and Al-Seyassah Online Media

We are living in Kuwait since 2008, our kids were born at Al-Sabah hospital and their first pronounced words were Maku and Maya. That’s the reason Kuwait is Home.

I think we all have underestimated what was happening until the corona cases exponentially increased in Italy. The closure of the Airport has shaken us. Suddenly we were apart from our beloved family or friends. Things changed fast and drastically. We are touched by the kindness of our neighbors. Our Landlord is really supportive. Last week he gifted us with essential goods then I realized the situation was turning a little critical.

Our Chairman is one of the kindest person in Kuwait who genuinely cares for her employees and the office is closed till the 12th of April.

We know people who desperately wish to go back home but for us Home is Kuwait. I feel safe, protected.
 At the same time Home is also Italy and we pray that  things will evolve positively soon.

I wish people across the globe start to behave responsible and maintain the necessary calm to built their new lifestyle, our new world because definitely something must change!



Ti invio qui di seguito la nostra esperienza di famiglia con due bambini (I send you our family experience with two children below):

"We decided not to travel during the national days, as usual, because we love this moment in Kuwait.  Kids were home and it's good weather to stay out.  We started to hear bad news about Codivid19 in Italy.  We were divided in two parts: we are in Kuwait, but our hearts are in Italy.

It was strange but immediately we started to stay at home and did not go outside only if it was really a necessity, we don't meet people and avoided crowded places.
 Everyday we're listening to our family in Italy, unfortunately some bad news arrived: our  colleague was in ICU with bilateral pneumonia, she is only 21 years old and also the mother's friend is in the same conditions alone in the hospital.
 My husband's cousin has SLA and he can not go to hospital to have his treatment because it is too dangerous and most doctors and nurses are busy to fight coronavirus.
 My grandparents are old and they are not driving anymore, so my parents needs a special documents to go and take care of them with limited time.
 We don't know when we'll be possible to see our family and friends in Italy, but we have to stay together in Kuwait that it's doing a great job to contain the pandemic.
 All we have to follow the rules because it's the only way to fight this moment.