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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is striving to race against time, and move vigorously in the path of changing and modifying the curricula of its schools from what it was before and rid it of all the impurities of the past, and make it more humane and in line with the times.

We will hear soon about what the Kingdom has achieved in this field while we are sitting waiting for the curricula of our shabby schools to change.

What the concerned officials in the area of education know, or do not know (if they are originally effective) is that all the problems of Third World countries, including Kuwait, stem from poor education and here poor education basically means morals which cannot be developed for the better through the intensification of religious lessons, but rather through the intensification of lessons in morals.

Filth in the home, the workplace and the street is caused by the absence of a culture of morality. Petty thefts and sabotage of state property are caused by the lack of moral culture. The irresponsible driving in the street, and for years I was a participant in it, is caused by the lack of awareness of the importance of the rights of others on the road, and this is part of the ethics curriculum.

I studied for sixteen years, worked and bought a car, and no one ever told me how to behave on the road other than teaching me how to drive a vehicle and knowing the meanings of some traffic signals.

In Japanese schools, we learn how to use public and private transportation and is part of the curriculum. The children, even after they grow up, are asked to clean their schools with the participation of their teachers. If it were left to us, many would have sent their servants to schools to clean up on behalf of their children.

The idea of participating in cleaning is, of course, not limited to teaching students how to do it, but rather to create awareness of the importance of cleanliness and respect for the garbage collector, and to spread the spirit of humility and cooperation in everyone.

When I was in Japan I saw workers sweeping the gardens of the Emperor’s Palace. It turned out that they were all retired people who volunteered for public service instead of sitting at home in front of the television screens and only ordering servants, and devouring slices of pizza. The concept of public service grows with the Japanese child, and with him humility is deep rooted and this is what morals mean.

I took a train in Tokyo at a secluded spot, turned on my phone after putting on the ear buds. The inspector came and politely asked me to move to another vehicle, and excused me from the heavy fine, all because I was in a seat where the use of mobile phone is not allowed, even if it was on silent mode. It is moral to respect the privacy of others, and their desire to take a quiet nap without a phone ringing or even hearing a whisper.

It is also good morals to respect the rights of others by attending on time, and this is something that most of us do not pay much attention to, despite its vitality, as it represents the pinnacle of respect for others and their previous appointments. Therefore, we find that the means of transportation for living peoples are accurate in their take-off and arrival, and this means saving millions of working hours per day.

As for us, punctuality is not considered and there is nothing wrong with it, and the problem is that when you complain about the delay, you are accused of bad manners.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf

“No matter how good the wheat seed is, the land fertile, and the water is plentiful,  you have to wait a long time before you reap anything.”                        — A.alsarraf