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WHEN the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Ahmed Al-Nawaf was appointed, the people were optimistic, especially when he, in his first meeting with the leaders of his ministry said, “I came to reform with justice. Injustice is not in my dictionary.”

This man was brought up under the care of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad, who is known for his stringency, firmness, and his absolute belief in justice. There was no doubt that Sheikh Ahmed would follow the same path, especially in the most important security body in the country.

Therefore, when his name emerged as a candidate for the presidency of the Council of Ministers, conviction increased among a segment of the people that the era of the closed-door policy and ignorance of people’s demands by the presidency of the Council of Ministers is a thing of the past, that the country will accept a great reform movement based on justice and equity, and the doors will open for anyone who seeks justice, and offer any suggestions that can help advance the country.

These great hopes began to evaporate little by little after a series of setbacks that security suffered in terms of major crimes, or the alarming spread of drugs. Although such scourges have existed for years, they have expanded in recent months.

Also, violations have increased, along with the practices of some officers and officials of the Ministry of Interior, especially the assault on citizens, the latest of which was the death of Walid al-Sulaili during his arrest.

It is true that the minister ordered an investigation into these violations, but the most important of all is the proactive action to ward off risks because it is the basis for establishing security.

In addition, during that famous meeting, he addressed the leaders and officials of the ministry by saying, “Change is the norm of life and you must accept it. This matter should not upset anyone.” It goes without saying that this is the demand of every person in the country.

However, this is done according to certain mechanisms, and not through a phone call to any official or assistant undersecretary in order to ask him to step down or submit his resignation.

It is the custom of the institutions in all countries of the world, including Kuwait, to honor the official whose term has expired, as they served their country and gave their life for it. Therefore, they should not leave their positions with a lump in their hearts, and feeling that they were dismissed in a manner that is closer to expulsion.

Also, one of the drawbacks is that no Interior Minister, either in Kuwait or the neighboring countries, or even in the world, has ever closed his doors to people or turned off his phone after official working hours.

This is because they represent not only the ministry, but the level of the state as a whole. They are the security decision-makers both politically and socially, and therefore have to oversee everything firsthand.

It is unfortunate that the great hopes that were placed on this person, who was described as having high morals, began to be squashed by what the security situation witnessed in recent weeks, which raised fear of a return to the behavior that was followed in the presidency of the Council of Ministers.

This means that effort applied is zero, and we are back to the closing of the doors, deafening of our ears, and closing of our eyes. Therefore, we must ask – Where is the path? Despite this great question, what is the most painful is that no one answers it.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times