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I do not know why I remembered the tyrants, the heads of intelligence, the secret security services, the Spanish Inquisition, the Taliban security forces, and the outposts of Kandahar, while sadly reading the “Declaration and Undertaking” issued by the Ministry of Education, which required every teacher in private education to sign, regardless to religion, belief, nationality, or language of the teachers.

We have warned many times against the “Document of Values”, which some have erred in underestimating its seriousness, and today it becomes clear how right we were in our fear.

What is happening cannot be without government blessing. This ridiculous circular requires that all private schools sign it, and pledge their knowledge and commitment to its content and the teachings of the Islamic religion and the traditions of Kuwaiti society, order and public morals, in a step that paves the way for imposing the guardianship of extremist currents on all joints of the state as if Kuwait is an ignorant, infidel society that does not know anything about religion, and every individual or teacher is a homosexual bomb waiting to explode, a project of debauchery and pornography, and needs to be brought back to consciousness.

What is happening in private education and the imposition of this pledge on male and female teachers in this sector is a moral crime and imposition of guardianship and it will extend to the rest of the government teachers, as the appetite of these backward people is too great to be satisfied.

The disaster is that the text of the pledge which every teacher must sign, requires them to enroll in a qualifying training program before starting teaching, and to attest that they have read the instructions guide prepared for that, to familiarize them with the traditions of the Kuwaiti Muslim society, and acknowledge its general system and ethics, and their full knowledge of the topics that they should not touch in the classroom.

The declaration also included the teachers’ responsibility for violating this pledge, and their knowledge of the right of the Ministry and the school to terminate their contracts in the event of his violation. It also states in remarks that it constitutes one of the requisition for the Ministry’s approval of the teacher’s work.

Acceptance of these instructions, and this intellectual terrorism, means that the education ministry falls into the clutches of extremist currents, especially since many matters in the pledge are subject to relativism and the mood of administration and private education, and a sword hanging over the necks of all teachers, regardless of their nationalities, religions or beliefs and obliging them to these instructions will be a barrier to their creativity, as the teacher will think a thousand times for any new idea or initiative that he dreams of applying in light of this strictness, whose violation may lead to dismissal from work.

Also, there is a high percentage of teachers who are non-Arabs and non-Muslims, so what is the fault of these people for forcing them to sign a humiliating pledge, in a language they do not know, and a religion that they have nothing to do with?

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Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance Sheikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh said that the Kingdom was affected by the harm and evil of the people of the Awakening thought, the “Brotherhood.”

He stressed that they pushed simple youth to sedition and call for jihad, stressing the end of the era irreversibly. He added: I suffered from the criminality practiced against me and my family, and Satan may be more merciful than them. They also slandered, defamed, abused, and fabricated accusations against my children while they were studying abroad.

Can we learn anything from this?

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By Ahmad alsarraf