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He overtook me on a road at a very high speed, maneuvering between lanes, breaking all traffic laws and driving ethics, causing harm to those around him, and endangering life of others and in the end he was forced to stop at the red traffic light and we happened to be side by side, I lowered the side window glass and asked the reason for this strange and dangerous behavior. He smiled and ‘I am sorry uncle, I am in a hurry. I want to reach home before the call to prayer and for breakfast ...’ No comment.

The lists of the so-called front line workers include the names of more than 200,000 Kuwaitis and residents. I am certain that a majority of these are believers, but a large percentage of them know with certainty that they do not deserve a reward, but they chose to remain silent, knowing that their names are among those honored ... No comment.

During the despicable Saddam occupation, I was in charge of the committee for disbursing funds to support Kuwaiti refugees in Riyadh.

From the list of names of those who received the first batch of subsidies, which is the largest, it was up to two thousand dinars per family, I discovered that thousands of pious citizens had received support more than once.

I previously wrote in detail about this crime of stealing public money in a previous article, and therefore … No comment.

After liberation, a high percentage of good citizens, who did not hesitate to receive the 500 dinars reward, which was allocated to every citizen who remained in Kuwait, circumvented and received the reward more than once.

Most of them did not return the stolen money until after they were referred to the prosecution ... No comment!

After the liberation, the government decided to buy a high percentage of bank debts of citizens and companies, and considered these amounts as a debt owed by the state, provided that the state would pay interest to the banks on these debts.

An Islamic financial institution, controlled by the Brotherhood, rejected the idea of receiving pre-determined interest on their debts, considering that under the rule of usury, and its decision almost caused serious material harm to it, but its Sharia committee, with a Machiavellian initiative decided to consider these benefits a gift from the Guardian, then it was accepted, and the crisis was overcome ... No comment.

From all these examples and hundreds of others, we find that our Arab peoples, Kuwaitis in particular, practice ritual worship, and do not practice daily life rituals such as the writer Mohammad Nabulsi.

 The likes of the above and most practitioners of rituals do so to win the afterlife. In their pursuit of performing these rituals, they do not care much about the harm that their pursuit causes to others. For example, stopping a car on the road and obstructing traffic in order to perform prayer is a very normal thing for these people.

From all this we find that we need heavy doses of ethical lessons. Religion and its teachings have been in and around us for 14 centuries, and we learn about them every day.

As for ethical issues, they need research, thinking, teaching, and setting good examples. If we visit Scandinavia, people are the least committed to going to the churches, but they are the highest in commitment to morals.

Hence we must strive to get rid of describing ourselves as the most pious people while we are the most corrupt.

email: [email protected]

Ahmad alsarraf