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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

UNDOUBTEDLY, the Palestinian cause is the most just in human history that has been savagely exploited by Palestinian political forces.  If it was said in the past that some factions were ‘hired guns’ like the case of Abu Nidal Organization, then the Hamas Group has rendered the Palestinian blood to be for hire.

Hamas continues to brandish its sword on the necks of the people of Gaza, whereas its disarrayed refugees keep on changing hands; depending on who the highest bidder is and the group’s interests.

For many years, the group has swung its sword to serve Iran and the latter’s divisive scheme in the region, as it kidnapped and took hostage of Gaza for it to become an ‘investment’ — the source of blood in that scheme.

In the past, it diverted attention from Iran’s problematic challenges by instigating war on Israel or becoming a cause for perturbing Egypt’s security by supporting the smuggling weapons to Egypt through what was previously known as ‘Hezbollah Cell’ or carrying out terrorist operations in Sinai and helping the outlaws in that country.

It did the same thing in Syria when it stood against the revolution in the beginning; but once it felt the tap of Iran’s funding is about to dry up, it turned on its allies and its fighters became mercenaries — some fighting along the lines of Nusra Front and others joined DAESH.

Practices of this group came from the Muslim Brotherhood’s bed, which affirms the reality of the political ideology it adopted from the latter that invests in the blood of people and just causes for the sake of wealth and power.

This is why its branches turned into political kiosks in every country, but it seems the Palestinian kiosk is thirstier for wealth because the ones in charge of it appear to have huge arsenal of slogans linked with the cause of their people.  They are using the cause to accumulate wealth.

Testimony to that is the widespread miserable life in Gaza since Hamas separated it from the Palestinian National Authority; rejecting every kind of peace initiative, solution, intercessions and mediations from Arab and other countries, let alone its persistence in hindering every dialogue and repudiating obligations that it signs.

Hamas has caused unnecessary war against Israel as the innocent civilians of Gaza paid the price with their bodies, blood, wealth and security; whereas the wealth of the blood traders continued to soar as evident in the massive destruction of their towns caused by the war which erupted two years ago.  Until this day, Gaza’s towns are in ruins, yet their leaders are building palaces in various Arab countries.

Today, after Iran shut its doors on the face of Hamas, this group has started knocking on the doors of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries to look for money.  Its leaders have started distributing blackmailing roles, similar to what the Lebanese Hezbollah and Amal movement have been doing.

However, the leaders of Hamas must be sure that the game of threatening to return to the hands of Iran or distancing itself from Iran will never work here in the Gulf. The GCC circle no longer deals with the Palestine cause from the political investment perspective.  Instead, it stands by the side of the Palestinians and supports the official representatives of these people — the Palestinian National Authority.

Therefore, Hamas’ efforts are futile and it is now up it to either invest the blood of Palestinians elsewhere; far from the GCC countries where no positive development is made apart from exploitation, or repent for its sins and lift the burden of injustice on the people of Palestine.

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By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times