Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

PRIME Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel threw his weight behind the Zionist lobby in the United States in an attempt to force the US Congress to oppose the nuclear agreement reached last July between the P5+1 countries and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The groups aligned with the fundamentalist forces such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist and even some of those who claim to be liberals, supported the Israeli position and opposed the deal.

This is in spite of the fact that Israel, the first and the last sworn enemy of Arabs, possesses hundreds of nuclear warheads which it uses to intimidate the Arabs ... just the Arabs.

Now the balance of power in the region has tilted a bit following the entry of the superpower nation Russia on the Middle East stage as a result of which the fundamentalists who live among us — those who have given birth to the savage group the Islamic State or the so-called ISIL — are now lamenting the fate of the Syrians, the same fundamentalists who at one time had helped destroy Damascus, the Syrian allies and the regime from within and from the outside.

This change in the balance of power following the free passage given to Russia into the conflict zone will help wipe out ISIL and its allies for fear this terrorist group which has taken deep roots in the area may take the conflict to the heart of Europe and to the former Soviet Union countries.

This change of balance in power has also revealed an interesting fact — support of Israel for the Russian intervention. This is because ISIL and its ideology are considered by everyone in the world an absolute evil to the entire human race.

Israel and Russia have been meeting several times and they met again last Tuesday when a high-ranking Russian military delegation visited Israel to discuss a strategy between both these nations at a time when Arabs have become mere bystanders.

This Russia-Israel harmony, which is opposed by the regional fundamentalists, is the decisive ‘force’. The ball now is in the court of the fundamentalists and others who opposed the Iranian nuclear ambitions.

This is a very disappointing and shameful scenario at all levels of life.

I dedicate the following to the fundamentalists in the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafist and others because of what your former ally is currently doing, that is if they have the zeal and uphold the Arab Islamic virtues.

Israel is killing scores of Palestinians and continues to violate the sanctity of the third most sacred mosque in Jerusalem. Moreover, it is currently legitimizing its hold on the illegal settlements built on Palestinian lands known to us as ‘Abad Abideen’.

And concerning Benjamin’s Faction settlements, there are 104 centers which were supposed to be released by the occupation forces because they were built of state land a majority of them built on Palestinian land.

Nonetheless, the Israeli army has started dismantling most of them and legitimizing the remaining ones.

The human rights groups have been informed about these centers — or the so-called hotspots — being the most violent settlements in Palestine because the area is occupied by hardliners who continue to assault the Palestinians almost every day.

Given this scenario, we do not have much to say apart from asking the former allies of Israel, in some instances, “Where is your zeal on ‘Forever and Ever’,” because Almighty Allah will hold you to account on Judgment Day.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil