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IT SEEMS Kuwait’s timing is now synchronized with fabricated crises or covering a crisis with another one that is more complicated.Usually, these crises are raised in the media and they keep on occupying public opinion but they remain without any solution.  It is as if these crises are mines planted on the path of State development, and the desired objective is to divert attention from areas of negligence and shortcomings.This situation makes us ask: Have we reached the stage where we have crisis of confidence in the nation?  This question needs to be in everyone’s mind.At least, there should be a sense of national responsibility in discussing and searching for solutions to these problems which keep on mutating like smallpox in the body of the State; or else, we will continue to go round an empty circle which will eventually lead us to the abyss where regret is futile and everyone becomes a loser.We were about to complete the fake academic certificate crisis which came to halt the series of fake citizenship scandals.In both cases, there has been no radical solution. The citizenship scandal was opened to cover up the issue of crippling national security by storming the National Assembly building.  It continued for seven years before it was revived before the public eyes in a bid to cover up interpellations that several MPs threatened the government with.Every episode of the series of crises is more dramatic and more horrific than the previous.  We were almost done with those crises until a new one came to light concerning the military training academy.  This file should have been opened a long time ago, not today.  However, the number of deaths and injuries during training; in addition to hearsay about this topic, made this vital national domain the topic of the street and it cast doubt on national responsibility in the most important sector in the country.In every country, military institutions are special as they shun any form of interference — whether in appointments, promotions or transfers.  This is due to the fact that military laws and beliefs regard such interference as undermining the integrity of the institution.  This could reach the level of high treason, let alone crippling the fighting spirit of the military personnel who are supposed to absolutely submit to the leadership.There is no loyalty to this or that official, there is no favoritism for this MP or official at the expense of the lives of soldiers, because they have to defend the nation as a whole until death and no one among them is not qualified for the military corps.Unfortunately, this reality is elusive in Kuwait, especially when the election corruption reached this very sensitive sector; leading to many regrettable incidents.However, First Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad remained committed in implementing accountability principles, particularly after the recent tragic incident.Nonetheless, we need to neutralize the military sector to eliminate ‘wasta’ irrespective of how influential a person is.  In fact, all institutions should be free from this evil which engulfed all establishments of the State.We have been suffering from the series of stripping our institutions and casting doubt on their integrity.  Files are opened not because of the desire to find solutions, but to trade and gain points against this or that party in a wrestling match in which the loser is the citizen and the nation; whereas the gainers bear no responsibility of any kind because they usually ask: Why does the government succumb to our demands?  This simply means the traders of votes and elections enjoy their gains at the expense of citizens’ confidence in the State.Until when will Kuwait remain the captive of this scandalous blackmail devouring the nation?  Until when will the storms of files and scandals continue to hit the country’s institutions without remedying the cause of the problem or finding solutions for those files?Is Kuwait the only country of its kind in this world; or is it similar to other countries where whenever an issue comes up, the concerned authorities rush to contain it and radically resolve it so that it does not become a chronic disease?Don’t issues raised from time to time become tumors which might be cancerous and ravage the nation?By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times