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Tsunami of fake degreesNo need to get scared or having fear of deleting title D. Things will end and the situation will get better. It is only much cry and little wool.  This is a country whose philosophy is forgery.  Cheating, lying and quackery are sources of pride.  So, feel free and do whatever you want. Use your title again and benefit from it as some did before.These are quotes from the poetry of Khalifa Al-Waqayan and I fear that what he predicted takes place in the future.We wrote several times that religious beliefs have nothing to do with general morality.  The concept of ethics differs from one region to another and from one person to another.  This is evident in sexual relations which engulf our moral concept but do not carry the same weight and importance for many other people.Fraud, impersonation, pride and false pretense of possessing supernatural things or powers are common among those who strongly condemn such acts or view them as unethical, while others find them disgusting and regard those who do that as liars, and so on.This prelude is necessary before dealing with the subject of my article on the tsunami of false certificates in which we found ourselves and the involvement of some prominent clerics.In defending one of them, Ajil Al-Nashmi, who wrote a fatwa forbidding women from leaving their homes even if they intend to defend their homeland, said he knew someone who has been attacked for his certificate.  He said he accompanied the latter in his trip, sat with him and found him a decent and cherished scholar, so he protects him against false and blunt accusations hurled at him.  What touches the sheikh (scholar) touches his personality (Al-Nashmi), too.We wonder here who accused the cleric, holder of the unaccredited doctorate certificate, of not being cherished.  Who challenged his knowledge and morals?Of course, it is not strange that the defense comes from those who belong to the same religious party.  The mistakes of the defender are countless and his defense of his colleague is in defense of himself, his position, his privileges and his posts.We want him to defend others, not the clergymen.  Many are accused of falsifying or obtaining certificates that are not recognized or accredited, yet Al-Nashmi praised only those who are like him.  Is it fair to stand with some and forget others?The man made a mistake in using a prestigious academic title for many years through an unaccredited certificate issued by an American university in the UAE, according to his website.  He then appeared in a video clip saying the certificate was issued by a university in America, without mentioning its name, perhaps, because he knows it lacks credibility.  How come you are defending him?  Where is fairness in such behavior?We return to the verses of the great poet Khalifa Al-Waqayan, and tell the defender and his colleague: “There is no fear!  Time may come back and things will get better.”email: [email protected]By Ahmad Al Sarraf