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From time to time, because of the tendency of many to swim in the illusory ‘conspiracy’ lake, I find myself forced to explain my independence of opinion and the attitude of the Al-Qabas newspaper towards me for which I have been writing articles for the past more than two decades – the newspaper that I sincerely respect as an institution, owners and management.

I do not have an office at the Al-Qabas newspaper. I do not have a fixed or intermittent income from the newspaper, and I do not need it. I have never written in any other newspaper although I desire to publish my articles in more than one newspaper in conjunction, but this does not seem easy.

I felt this introduction – part of which may seem a repetition – is necessary before I come to the subject of this article. In the recent past, the fierce, sometimes immoral and unprofessional attack on the Al-Qabas daily, its owners and even its employees has increased in a detestable personal fashion.

They growl with pain because they or those who support them get hurt each time the Al-Qabas daily shows its daring and expose their positions and reveals their ethical issues (in a broad sense, not sexual). This is the journalistic skill that the Al-Qabas newspaper has always been well-known for throughout its professional history.

I find myself, with what I possess in terms knowledge and simple experience, literally and logically compelled to stand with the Al-Qabas daily in its war against the forces of corruption.

The scandal of social media celebrities, money laundering, involving the Bangladeshi MP (Pablo), the Iranian, the Pakistani, the Egyptian, the Syrian and the Lebanese networks, and here I wish to add to the list the ‘Kuwaiti’ citizen; and all other cases of corruption which the daily has disclosed required strength, determination and faith in public interest.

The Al-Qabas newspaper does not hesitate to take risk and expose the dangerous anomaly, despite the strength of the parties involved. This is the destiny and fate of every sincere diligent person who works in this difficult profession. This does not mean that the Al-Qabas daily is ‘perfect’ but is much concerned about the issues in question and therefore the immoral attack was expected, in light of the great pressures that the newspaper was subjected to but refused to cave in and gave a deaf ear to requests to stop reporting the scandals.

Rather, the Al-Qabas newspaper preferred to continue in its pioneering role and reported the embezzlement of public money and cases of corruption since its establishment, starting with the issue of the Kuwait Oil Tankers Company (KOTC) and the influential people who were behind the scandal until the scandal of the ‘frightening (millions) deposits that affected a number of MPs, and up to the most recent dangerous financial scandals, which has tarnished the image of our financial institution as a people, a government and a state, at the regional and global levels.

The Corona Pandemic is here, and it will be with us for a long time to come, and due to the backwardness of our administrative systems, and the suspension of our postal system, it is likely, and this is what we hope, that the government will postpone the upcoming parliamentary elections for a period of at least two years for reasons related to public health, and in the greater interest in general, managing the state through decrees, and approving all laws which hundreds of thousands of citizens and residents have been waiting for many years, to get rid, even temporarily, the ‘clumsiness’ of members of the National Assembly, their conflicts and polarizations.

Will this be achieved so that the myth of the deep state ends forever, and we enjoy some political and economic stability that we are desperately in need of ?

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf