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BRAVO to His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf for announcing the open-door policy to his office and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to receive complaints from the public.

This came in accordance with the directives of the political leadership, especially His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad, to not close the doors of officials to any citizen.

However, it must be emphasized that this is not sufficient if it is not accompanied by operational procedures, as is the case in many countries of the world that have a board of grievances, or presidential positions supervised by an elite group of honest and sincere personalities who do not seek to profit.

Kuwaitis have been greatly enduring injustices in the past years, either from officials in service ministries or security services, and even police stations, as “wasta” prevails due to the influence of the corrupt who have established a suspicious pattern for dealing with people’s issues.

When the Complaints and Petitions Committee in the National Assembly, which is concerned with redressing injustice, became a source of electoral gain, MPs exploited those complaints to blackmail ministers, portraying them as cases of negligence and inaction on the part of officials, and sometimes even hinting some issues to the political leadership channel.

For this reason, we have said several times that there are 51 amirs in Kuwait, with the legitimate Amir being in Bayan Palace, and the 50 others in the National Assembly.

They have set themselves up through their constant quest to gain from people’s challenges, and the inability of ministers to confront as a result of lack of solidarity between them, or because of their boss’s fear of any inquiry, comment or even suggestions.

Perhaps all of this would have been a matter of the past if the correct guidelines were set for dealing with observations, complaints and grievances, the most important of which is to have honest and sincere people to handle such issues.

Therefore, it is possible that these persons are not known to the public, provided that they fulfill the honor entrusted to them by the concerned parties and deal with them quickly.

If there is any suspicion of corruption or anything that warrants punishment, it should be reported to His Highness the Prime Minister and the political leadership.

What Kuwait needs is for everyone who lives on this land to play their role, each in their capacities.

If the people sense seriousness and justice in the handling of their grievances in such a manner that everyone gets what they deserve, we will represent a responsible guard who will work to uncover the evils and highlight the flaws.

However, if the supervisors of this office are dishonest and insincere, or as is currently done in some state institutions that require the complainant to reveal his name and address, while at the same time he provides the suspect with such information that leads to disputes between neighbors and people of the same region, or relevant officials retaliate against the complainants, then all this pursuit will lead to more chaos.

Undoubtedly, these indicators confirm that we are facing a new era, and the beginning of a reform revolution under the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad, and the supervision of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad, who began to restore things in the right place to return Kuwait to its prosperous era with achievements.

Also, the country will regain its rank at the level of the modern stage that every citizen yearns for, which is to return to its leadership position not only at the level of the region, but also the Arab world.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times