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AFTER wrapping up the issue of amnesty, which signaled the return of fugitives who had fled abroad, the time has come for revealing the truth.

Indeed, this amnesty is tainted with many question marks. How can those who have set themselves up as defenders of the homeland, its vitality, and the fight against corruption accept being equal to criminals who wanted to destroy Kuwait, and who brought weapons from abroad for this purpose? Was this the auspicious return sought by those who were considered as heroes by their supporters?

The doors would have opened for them for a well-deserved honorable return, if they had followed the same path as those who preceded them who returned honorable and honored to their country and their families.

The commotion lasted for over two years and pushed electoral interests to surplus the national interests. The only winners in all this were the Speaker of the National Assembly and MP Obaid Al-Wasmi. Others were just pawns on a chess board moved by the fingers of players behind the scenes, who knew how to invest events for their interests.

Hence, there were no heroes in reality except for those who knew how to eat the best flesh, and enjoy the championship extras, while those who churned the milk benefited from its butter.

Irrespective of the truth, the fact that the country was disrupted for two years remains the most important. Who will pay the price that Kuwait has incurred? After all the political fires, there are talks about an expanded opposition front. Was the return to reason and seek to get Kuwait out of the vicious circle in which it revolves?

Everyone today is subject to the truth test, especially after His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled was tasked once again to form a new Cabinet.

In his new task, he has to understand the essence of the problem in the country, and work towards solving it with the greatest seriousness and ingenuity, by setting a realistic program of work, and not cutting and pasting from the programs of previous governments.

He needs to choose capable and competent ministers with the courage to work sincerely, if he wants to compensate for what happened in the previous lean years that affected all aspects of public affairs.

As for the National Assembly, after fulfilling its basic demand that it argued for over the past two years, it is now faced with a great responsibility, which is its sincere commitment to pass the laws that have piled up in its drawers.

Therefore, it must start working from the start to give confidence to the new government; otherwise, the issue is nothing more than procrastination on the part of both legislative and executive authorities, waiting for any subject in dispute to complete the remaining chapters of the play of inability to complete.

First, the penalties must be intensified for anyone who tries to commit violations that brought about this abnormal situation in the country.

Second, the government should work seriously to banish the specter of impotence by formulating a productive economic path that ends waste in order to secure a decent life for the present and future generations.

Third, it is important to take advantage of the neighbors who announce daily major development projects in economic, cultural and social fields, which make them open up more to the world. On the other hand, our country is living “helter skelter” between a hesitant government and a stationary parliament.

The new government should ask its people what they presented to Kuwait before they are given a blank cheque, something that reinforces dependency and lack of production among citizens.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times