Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

ONE of the precious parliamentary sessions in Kuwait led to the issuance of a hundred percent racial and fanatical law that prohibits granting Kuwaiti citizenship to a non-Muslim! This law does not exist in Europe, USA, Canada or Latin America where Muslims find a safe place, away from the injustice they face in their homelands — at the hands of their Muslim rulers and legislators.

After issuing that fake law, Kuwait has granted citizenship to tens of thousands of Muslims who gave birth to hundreds of Muslims. Thanks to that racial law, the number of Kuwaiti Muslims increased ten-fold. Nevertheless, the rate of backwardness, corruption and abomination is much higher  according to radical extremist notions – than during the 1920s until the 1970s when Kuwait was for both Muslims and Christians, before offering citizenship to the undeserving.

Because the Kuwaiti authorities are afraid of radical extremists, they have become strict in issuing licenses to new churches. We thank God that the government was bold enough in approving the establishment of a new church in Hawally ú the Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, so I believe.

One of those radicals recently expressed objection to democracy although he is the ‘MP of sorrow’, whose membership makes us belittle his trivialities. He opposed the practice of yoga in a public park. We thank God that he did not ask for a law which controls oxygen, prohibiting it for those with different beliefs or ethnicity.

To that radical and his colleague who suggested the above mentioned defective law and to those against the construction of new churches, we dedicate this fresh story from the injured in Belgium … The Belgium of rapport and peace suffered recently due to the crimes committed by radical jihadists who erroneously belong to Islam  the religion of tolerance. The Minister of Justice in Belgium confirmed the country’s readiness to issue licenses for building new mosques, along with a governmental plan to confront extremist thinking.

The Executive Council for Muslims in Brussels said there are only 64 mosques in Brussels and only 14 of these mosques are licensed while the rest are operating secretly. The Minister of Justice interfered to solve this problem, deciding to issue licenses to 10 more mosques  thereby, increasing the total number of licensed mosques to 24.

In Secular Christian Germany, the head of the Committee for Protecting the Constitution (Interior Security) disclosed that his directorate monitors about 90 mosques. He admitted that he is worried about monitoring this number of mosques, indicating the problem is what he called as the ‘backyard mosques’ referring to the unlicensed communities and places of worship which used ancient and deserted buildings (quoted from Sharq Awsat newspaper May 3, 2016).

“This news and others are dedicated to the figures of extremism and fundamentalism; especially those who intend to end their boycott of the one-man, one-voice elections, because God will afflict us with a handful of them to lead the country.

In advance, we ask them: Why don’t you take the ‘countries of unbelief’, according to your perceptions, as an example, oh masters of the Non-Belief?!!

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By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil