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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

"WE will bring terrorists to justice." This is the most notable statement made by some leaders when terrorists hit their countries. It is the same statement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin after announcing that the terrorists brought down a Russian airplane. French President Francois Hollande made a similar statement after the dark massacre of Nov 13. Previously, US President Barack Obama threatened to punish the DAESH terrorist group in Syria and Iraq.

We wish to ask those three leaders which justice they are talking about. Do they still doubt that DAESH and other terrorist groups have special justice, which is about the explosive belt and planting explosives in public places for massacres and this is incomparable to the type of justice understood by sensible people across the world?

Since Sept 11, 2001, the United States and its international allies have been striving to implement natural justice but they ended up in front of military and security solutions; without considering why tens of thousands of Europeans and Americans with Muslim background have become extremists. It became glaring later that the military option was the fuel which instigated extremism on the fire of revenge for the occupation depicted by extremists as a way to threaten Islamic faith.

The terrorists in Afghanistan did the same thing, followed by Iraq and they are now using the same method in Syria and Lebanon. Once the Western forces arrive, they will capitalize on the excuse that they are resisting the "crusader occupation." Was this not the same slogan used by the United States after the Sept 11 incidents such that it abandoned all its sophisticated values and morals under the shock to enact repressive legislation? It even established the Department of Homeland Security which never existed since the time the states were united and gained independence over 225 years ago.

Neither the European nor the western countries, in the past 14 years, bothered themselves with the reasons which make those citizens radicals and extremists who have malicious intents against the society, as they did not raise them to the rank of their original counterparts. Contrarily, they kept dealing with them as second-class citizens. They did not handle the causes of unemployment or deviation in interpreting the cult by looking into what type of media managed those broadcasts. They did not make them feel tranquility and citizenship.

It is true that those extremists must be exterminated, but the extermination should be done in two parts -- the first is for the fighters of the entire world to strike the terrorists round the clock in the areas they control in Syria, Iraq and Libya; whereas the second part is to start an intellectual, economic, social and social organization to help millions get out of the bottleneck of feeling injustice which leads to suicide, explosions and massacres, as well as spreading terror among people.

No justice can work with those murderers who deserve extermination. But, can you convince them with justice other than theirs instead of talking about "bringing terrorists to justice"?

Perhaps, presidents Obama, Putin and Hollande should review the biography of Lincoln, Joseph Stalin and Charles de Gaulle who put aside all higher examples and principles to build strong countries with sturdy institutions. They should stop lecturing about justice while confronting monsters of such kind because they will destroy Europe and the West and they will explode themselves before being driven to the justice of wise people.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times