Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

AFTER the terrorist attack on the Saudi ARAMCO facilities in Baqaiq Region, which was described as an aspect of war with the introduction of new technologies for waging wars such as drone and the years of civil strife in Syria and Yemen, the political game is being played in a conventional way from all parties involved, because there is no specific improvement in resolving the war in Yemen except some flashes observed here and there.

Everybody is calling for political solutions, but in reality, the gunshots persist with the air strikes! It has been observed that Syrian regime regained a segment of its political allies in the region and started benefiting from the attendant attractions. It seems that the ‘deep breath policy’ followed by the regime has been fruitful, not because of the regime’s strength but that of its allies and the realignment of international relations among various countries- coupled with different incidents.

The regime benefited from the strained relationship between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, especially after the Khashoggi incident, as evident in a recent communique released by the Arab League where the new method of dealing with the situation in Syria was noted. This signals an impending development toward ending the hard stance with the regime to normalize Syrian representation.

As regards Baqaiq incident, the game has been unveiled and it is clear that the basic problem is to identify the source of fired missiles. Unofficial sources claimed that those missiles were fired from the north, which is a frank allegation. Another observation is that Qatar denounced the attack on ARAMCO facilities, and though the heat was below expectation, it was a step in the right direction.

Consequently, the statement issued by Yemeni Houthi Movement claiming responsibility for the criminal act in Baqaiq and expressing appreciation to those who cooperated are signals to be understood that the deed was pulled off with massive arrangements among several parties.

Surely, as reported by several unofficial sources, the attack did not emanate from the South but rather the North! Back to the article’s headline about what happens next after Baqaiq, I will take a look at an important issue; Saudi Arabia craves for political solution before and after Baqaiq incident and the leadership knows well that nobody profits from war. However, the Houthi Movement- based on our observation- has not backed down from the repeated assaults on Saudi facilities as it once did in Abha, and then Gezan, without leaving out Najran.

We face many questions to which there are no answers yet. Chief among them: When will the war in Yemen end? When will the hot situation in the Gulf region cool down? When will the leadership in Tehran become reasonable and stop supporting suspicious groups and wars by proxy and efforts to meddle in the affairs of neighbors?


“There’s no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war except its ending.”

– Abraham Lincoln

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi