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“THE world is preoccupied with the Russian invasion of the Republic of Ukraine because of the security and economic repercussions that this war might produce on the whole world, and because we in Kuwait tasted the bitterness of the occupation from a treacherous neighbor, and the resulting destruction, killing and displacement similar to what Ukraine was subjected to, except that this war differs from the Gulf War which was caused by Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait, for several reasons, such as the difference in the crisis, the difference in international interests, the difference in the size and strength of the invading country, and the different importance of the occupying country,” columnist Hamad Salem Al Marri wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.

Hamad Al-Marri

“This war also comes through sermons that differ from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. He who studies the political events that accompanied the Russian-Ukrainian war finds that the first of these lessons is the emergence of Europe in its racist reality, which it hid behind its false democratic slogans, as it sees through its actions and statements by its politicians and media that the white European is above all races, and that killing and displacing Arabs and Muslims in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan is natural because they consider them terrorists and uncivilized savages, in contrast to the killing and displacement of ‘civilized Ukrainians’ who never imagined seeing children and women with white skin, blond hair and blue eyes as displaced refugees fleeing the war.

“This war also showed the extent of the disintegration of the European Union from the inside, and that Britain’s exit from it was due to its futility, not only economically, but security, since all the countries of the Union put their interest above the interest of the Union, and are ready to sacrifice it for their own interest only. This war also showed that the US administration is ready to sacrifice any European country in order to preserve its national interests, or to use these countries as bait to fight Russia indirectly without interfering directly under the pretext of self-restraint so that the world does not enter a nuclear war.

“This war also showed the danger of investing in European countries, whether from individuals or governments, because they will confiscate these investments in the event that they see that it is in their interest, as it did with Russian investments and money, and unfortunately all Arab countries, including the Gulf countries, put their funds and sovereignty in the banks of these countries, which exposes them to confiscation in the event of a war between Russia and the West, because the world will enter into a state of turmoil and the strong will eat the weak.

“The Ukrainian war showed that the West has double standards. Everything related to Arabs and Muslims, and interference in their internal affairs and support for revolutions in them, it considers support for freedom and democracy. As for European countries and their suppression of revolutions in them, the West considers it to protect security, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a heinous crime, but the occupation of Palestine by the Jews is a historical right.”