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DEAR leaders, we followed up a lot of what was being said in the campaigning symposiums of the parliamentary aspirants.

It is unfortunate that some of them used debased language of name-calling and innuendos, as well as terms that are not considered to be in par with those who are supposed to be a representative of the people, and a role model in dealing with people.

It is true that the electoral campaigns in other countries are charged, and the tone rises. However, ours had surpassed all that because of the absence of electoral programs, in addition to what you described in some of your conversations as “following the wind” because some leaders turned a blind eye, and candidates and representatives of political forces were flattered, which spoiled the language of communication in public forums.

It is sufficient to return to the records of the sessions of the National Assembly in order to realize any terms used in the parliament, and the negative effects they have left among people.

Dear leaders, there is no doubt that this is a type of passive corruption in the science of management. It is not limited to the embezzlement of money alone, but starts from wasting time, appointing those who are not qualified to positions that they do not deserve, delaying projects, and the absence of strict control over the daily work of employees, and everything else that leads to mistreatment of the public.

Unfortunately, all of this has been practiced by successive governments, especially the last four, which had praised the MPs and glorified their efforts not to grill the Prime Minister and his cabinet. They neglected public affairs, and bought loyalties at a high price, starting with appointing holders of fake academic certificates and granting them many privileges based on an improper university qualification.

Before that, other governments fell into the trap of yielding to the MPs when they agreed to place a salary scale for each sector different from the other.

The oil employees are treated differently from their counterparts in the municipality, health, public works and media sectors, or the army and the police, and this has increased the injustice among the employees. Some institutions became saturated, which in turn increased the disguised unemployment rate, and constituted an additional burden on the state’s general budget until the first chapter unreasonably inflated and achieved the financial deficit.

Hence, people cannot be held accountable for their misdeeds, while ministers and officials survive, as this leads to an imbalance in the balance of justice.

Waste in projects, very high costs, delays in their delivery, and the principle of “this is our son” that these governments worked with have led to the halting of development in the country. Their projects turned into a major looting portal around which the wolves of corruption gathered.

Undoubtedly, the treatment of any disease is by eliminating its causes. Treating its symptoms means its exacerbation.

Therefore, returning to the method that prevailed in terms of quotas in appointing ministers, and taking into account the thoughts of influential people and parliamentary blocs, means that we will remain in the circle.

We will be back to square one, while all the countries of the world choose only after reviewing their files, biographies, behavior, administrative and personal traits, and even their relations, lest they fall into temptations.

On Sunday, the current cabinet will turn into a caretaker until another is formed according to the outcomes of the elections. Because we saw a different approach to government than what it was in the past decades, all Kuwaitis hope that it will remain in the coming days of tangible reform enthusiasm in order for Kuwait to get out of the tunnel in which it walked for nearly three decades.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times