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Minister of Finance Dr Nayef Al-Hajraf speaks during his grilling at the National Assembly, Tuesday

KUWAIT CITY, June 25: In a rare parliamentary practice, the interpellation submitted by MP Mohammed Hayef Monday evening against Minister of Finance Nayef Al-Hajraf was addressed during Tuesday’s session which concluded with a motion of no-confidence scheduled to be voted on during the July 3 session, which coincides with the end of the current legislative term.

The MP based his interpellation on the minister’s alleged negligence of attending parliamentary committee meetings and promises to drop the interest based social security loan.

Minister Al-Hajraf said according to consultants, both the grilling points contain constitutional infractions due to its offensive terminology, nonetheless the minister has agreed to take to the podium and show the public and their representatives how “he operates and how some individuals want him to operate.” With regards to attending the committee meetings, the minister stressed he did not receive invitation to the first meeting, while the second coincided with another state business and instructed representatives from the Public Institution for Social Security to attend on his behalf.

Speaking of his alleged promise to cancel the interest based social security loan, the minister noted that the point of interpellation submitted by the MP he said it did not exceed even one page despite its immense financial complexity, which indicates that the interpellation was rushed into without legal grounds. Minister Al-Hajraf stated that this matter requires extensive research and evaluation and any type of action will require a legislative proposition.

He said, it is sad to note the interpellation lacks research, equality and pushing it forward “would be catastrophic,” asserted the MP. An interpellation is usually slated and addressed during the first upcoming session, but since all remaining session agendas have been authorized, the next upcoming session would be the opening session of the next legislative term.

To this, the Speaker of Parliament Marzouq Al-Ghanim pointed out that addressing this interpellation in this unusual manner was due to the minister opening the floor to new businesses and the Assembly approving to address it the same day. The Speaker asserted during the session that in accordance with Article 102 of the Constitution and Article 144 of internal regulations of the National Assembly, a motion of no-confidence cannot be voted on unless 7 days have passed since its submission. Therefore voting on the motion has been scheduled for July 3 which will be followed by the closing ceremony of the National Assembly’s current legislative term.

By Ahmed Al-Naqeeb Arab Times Staff