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Douglas Silliman Douglas Silliman

Investors from around the world will gather in Washington, DC, June 19-21 for the SelectUSA Summit, the largest and most important conference focused on attracting foreign investment to the United States. The Summit is a great opportunity for Kuwaiti companies and investors to meet with and hear from economic development organizations from throughout the United States, high-level government officials, and others working to facilitate foreign investment in the United States.

The United States and Kuwait have a long and rich history of cross-border commerce, investment and trade. America continues to be the premier investment destination for entrepreneurs and investors from Kuwait and throughout the world. Kuwait is one of the top 40 sources of foreign direct investment in the United States. Examples of recent Kuwaiti investments include the purchase of several Marriott hotels, a financial services company opening an office in New York, and investments in healthcare and technology companies.

Success in the American market can help drive success globally. With a GDP nearly $18 trillion, the US economy is incredibly diverse and provides a thriving culture of innovation, a productive workforce, strong intellectual property protection, and a stable energy supply. Companies of all sizes — from start-ups to multinationals — can find the ideas, employees, resources, and market they need to be globally competitive. As Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors, said recently, “America’s golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs.”

Innovation will be the main theme of this year’s Summit. We are a world leader in research and development, with strong laws to protect intellectual property. This year’s Summit will feature panels and speakers at the forefront of innovation.

Last year, President Barack Obama, six Cabinet ministers, and three US state governors addressed representatives from more than 70 countries, and from all 50 states. Participants heard from several top executives and high-profile business and government leaders, who shared their insights on the latest business trends. US economic developers from across the country and international investors met face-to-face in more than 1,700 individual facilitated business meetings.

I strongly encourage all Kuwaiti businesses — from start-ups to multinationals — to consider registering for this year’s SelectUSA Summit, June 19-21, in Washington, DC. The US Embassy is recruiting a Kuwaiti delegation to the event. Contact our commercial team to learn how the SelectUSA program can assist you with your investment efforts. America is open for your business.

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By Douglas A. Silliman - US Ambassador to the State of Kuwait