
UNDOUBTEDLY, the current scenario is different from the previous one. According to indicators, the Council of Ministers will not differ much in its composition than what it is currently. Perhaps the change will be in certain portfolios held by individuals in which they did not perform up to par.
On the other hand, the new National Assembly will have a new leader and a different prime minister than before, especially in the last three decades. Therefore, the vision is different.
According to the speeches of His Highness the Amir, the measures that he ordered and were implemented by the government, and the broad outlines of what His Highness the Prime Minister laid down, confirm one thing - It is the urgent necessity to get out of the impasse that the country inherited from previous governments when the National Assembly was the ruler and encroached on the powers of other authorities.
Therefore, the National Assembly should not focus solely on the principle of looking only at one side of the penny, particularly since His Highness the Amir, in his esteemed address during the oath-taking session and in his subsequent public speeches, outlined a roadmap essential for the nation. This includes fostering openness to enhance economic and social stability, conducting workshops on projects at different levels, and bolstering national identity.
Based on this perspective, we anticipate that the upcoming Cabinet will refrain from provoking the public with proposals for stringent laws, like the banning of co-education and the pursuit of negative phenomena. Such measures are not in line with the country’s needs or the vision outlined by His Highness the Amir and His Highness the Prime Minister.
On this basis, the newly elected parliamentarians should be responsible and avoid acting solely on their whims or personal agendas, despite our realization that idealism may be challenging in a blind democracy like ours.
While achieving this concept may pose challenges, accomplishing 60 percent of what Kuwaitis demand and the leader’s vision for nation’s benefit and state’s fortification constitutes a significant achievement. Such progress can serve as a foundation for future endeavors.
It is also necessary to acknowledge that all Kuwaitis have legitimate and achievable aspirations. Recent months have proven that the head of state seeks to fulfill these aspirations, but according to the Constitution, he requires support from the National Assembly, and not be a pharaoh over the executive authority.
The statements from the candidates indicate their intention to work for the nation’s benefit, but their true commitment will be evident only through their actions. As the saying goes, “A burnt child dreads the fire.”
In this regard, Kuwaitis have been burnt by many successive parliaments and Cabinets, which were characterized by weakness and hesitation. The result was this miserable situation that Kuwait is experiencing at all levels, starting with the deterioration of services and streets and ending with the closure of the country, as well as the blow to the national economy through decisions and practices - parliamentary and governmental - that were not subject to any authority.
Therefore, the new parliamentarians’ awareness of the simple equation outlined by His Highness the Amir and the vision of His Highness the Prime Minister signifies the constitutionally-required cooperation between the two executive and the legislative authorities.
However, if they follow the parliamentary approach that has been followed for three decades, the next parliament will have a short lifespan, and will be closer to departure than staying.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times