Transfer of licenses for shops from co-op to investors

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KUWAIT CITY, Aug 6: According to informed sources from the Ministry of Social Affairs, a work team was formed under the chairmanship of the undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs and membership of five government agencies – the Public Authority for Manpower, the Kuwait Municipality, the Ministry of Finance (State Property Management), the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and the Public Authority for Civil Information – for dealing with the conditions related to the use of shops invested in cooperative societies and unions. This team is on the verge of approving the transfer of commercial licenses for these shops from cooperative societies to their investors, reports Aljarida daily. The sources explained that the team decided to give the cooperative societies a period of six months to amend the conditions of their branches, especially with regard to resolving any problem related to employment registered on its files.

A meeting of the team will be held to discuss some points and put the final touches on the final version of the decision, which will be submitted to the Minister of Social Affairs for approval and issuance. In the next stage, the team will discuss radical solutions to the problem of the cooperative society branches that were granted to investors through “draws”, which is the most difficult matter in the chapter. The team classified the branches into three categories:- shops obtained through lottery, shops whose commercial license has expired and was not renewed, and shops whose license is valid and whose employment residency is under the main cooperative society. The dismissal of the workers in the investing branches achieves several advantages for all parties concerned, and benefits the cooperative societies and the branch’s investors. It spares the cooperative societies the burden of the violations of the investing branches.

The team has listed the names of the workers in the invested shops, whose residencies are registered under the main files of the cooperative societies and unions. The team worked on the development of procedures and action plans necessary to solve the problems of such employment and arrange its conditions, as well as follow up the implementation of the items related to that. The sources said, “The chapter addresses the imbalance in the transfer of salaries of workers registered in the branches, in addition to separating the transfer of their salaries from workers in cooperative societies.

It also avoids cooperative societies from being exposed to the suspension of their file for not paying the salaries of their employees, and the consequent suspension of all cooperative societies’ procedures related to employment.” They indicated that the separation process achieves the independence of these activities, and avoids recording violations against the cooperative societies in exchange for employing the branches’ workers with others, as well as stops the process of bringing workers from some cooperative societies under the name of the investor without his knowledge.

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