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1549 times read

Ahmed Al-Jarallah

THE proverb “Time and tide wait for no man” is a popular one. Lately, time is considered one of the most important sciences that is vital in the management of institutions and countries.

Studies have been developed regarding time management, on the basis of which the success and failure of a manager is determined. It also determines the state’s ability to make use of its resources including time, which is a limited resource that must be managed efficiently so that it does not become a source of the state’s failure.

It seems that time in Kuwait is running out of time, and its sword is cutting all our resources. This is because there are decisions made that are “mishmash” to put it mildly. This does not amount to successful management of the executive branch, which has currently inherited great burdens. This has become apparent in the level of decline in all aspects.

When the head of the state, the Prime Minister, economists, traders, real estate owners, and even the majority of citizens call for the necessity of opening the country, the executive authority comes to set impossible conditions for opening the door for visitors, or for people to join their family members, and it does not implement the leadership’s decision. Rather, it operates according to a backward vision, or it continues to flounder, as if the deep state still dominates the sources of decision-making.

For this reason, fragmentary treatments are like a throw of ash in the eyes. An example of this is making allowances for visits, for which some weird conditions were set.

In addition, the state’s executive apparatus did not benefit from the residency and visit visa system in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. As per the conditions for anyone who wants his relative to visit him here, we have set conditions that his salary must be a certain amount, he should hold a university degree, and the flight ticket must be issued by the “national carrier.”

As for joining a family member, it is not a secret that the conditions are impossible. These were all put in place to continue the closure of the country.

Therefore, in international tourism reports, Kuwait was ranked last in the Gulf region in terms of the number of tourists who visited it in the year 2023. It received a total of 203,000 visitors and tourists, and it does not aim to reach any particular number of visitors in the year 2030, unlike the rest of the Gulf countries.

In fact, all reports issued in the past five years were negative in terms of enhancing the national product related to tourism and services.

On the other hand, the UAE ranked fourth in the world on the list of markets with the highest income from tourism, with about $61 billion last year. Countries around the world have opened their doors to exploit this important sector for their national income, and have provided all visiting opportunities, even transit.

As for us, the matter is still limited to reactions to what is published on social media, or the words uttered in some diwaniyas. Needless to say, countries are not managed in this manner.

Your Highness the Prime Minister, the country needs a clear vision in this aspect. It must get rid of the darkness that has befallen it over the past 20 years, the price of which we are still paying today.

Therefore make it easier for the people, because that will benefit Kuwait. Almighty Allah said in the Quran – “It is He who has made the earth subservient to you. You walk through its vast valleys and eat of its sustenance. Before Him you will all be resurrected.” Hence, it is necessary to reconsider the impossible conditions for people to visit the country or join their family, and open the country like the rest of the Gulf countries and the world, because time and tide wait for no man.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times