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The respected lawyer Fahd Al-Bassam says that one of the illusions that the mere speed in passing laws is considered an achievement worthy of pride, is not successful, as the legislator turns into a contractor who is required to speed up the completion, regardless of the quality. The government and the parliament hastened to draft laws, far from professionalism, d e l i b e r a t i o n , and far-sightedness. Consequently, some laws did not receive their due serious and indepth discussion and research, as well as their social, political, and economic effects.

Deputies and ministers will inevitably leave, and lame and unstudied laws will remain with their fl aws that disturb people, and the matter becomes more worrisome in light of the current poor educational system and related conditions. Also, this legislative competition is considered a violation of the internal regulations of the Council, which in principle does not permit the conduct of the second deliberation until four days after the fi rst, with the existence of the exception, which does not accept expansion.

Among the laws that have been passed recently is the housing law, which was satiated with criticism by specialists, who pointed out its shortcomings and the near impossibility of applying it, and one day the council will inevitably return to amend it. The law to purchase vacations of state employees also was sloppy, after it was approved in haste, as it included several deficiencies that have recently appeared to the public, and the most serious of which is the Ministry of Finance’s necessity to violate it with clear folly, bypassing its provisions and all constitutional and accounting rules, and spending amounts that exceed what was stipulated in the law!

After publishing my article on the issue of vacations, serious matters became clear, including the involvement of the government and a number of deputies in approving it, knowing that the amount of 300 million dinars was not enough. This corruption in approval and disbursement, as a result of parliamentary interventions, is evidence of the continued confusion and chaos that marred the decision to buy vacations, and the cause became an accusation that the two authorities disavow, and it was found that even the worst-performing employee received an amount that reached ninety thousand dinars (for one employee), and this is an unprecedented earthly miracle!

Tons of public money is lost and no deputy or official said a word, except for MP Abdel Wahhab Al-Essa, who exposed the scandal. Even those concerned in the Ministry of Finance were not drawn to any attention or even a reprimand, despite their acknowledgment that parliamentary pressures are the reason for the exacerbation of the situation. It is assumed that the government and the council were aware that thousands of government employees were in line to sell their earned leave and here I am talking about those who meet the conditions.

Meanwhile, some concerned authorities saw a big bird in the trap, so they wreaked havoc on the issue of license sale law, and made it easier for the “owners” to get the lion’s share, before others, and before the scandal of abuse, which is difficult to swallow, was revealed! Corruption and ruin continue, and the warnings of the Speaker of the National Assembly, nor anyone else, will not end them. It was unfortunate to note what was stated by the President, in his last speech, of inappropriate words against those who are truly credited with the history and renaissance of Kuwait.

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e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf