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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
IN political literature, there are indicators of what could happen in the absence of a clear strategy for any action and reaction. One such indicator is when a tiger leaves its den in the hills, monkeys occupy it and it becomes a place for frivolity, so it is difficult to live under normal circumstances.This applies on the situation in Syria which appears complicated up to the highest level since there is no solution hovering over its atmosphere. The opposition has nothing to give or no one supports it. On the other hand, the regime is not open to concessions in terms of what it has achieved so far.Hence, mess and death will continue till the end as long as the concerned countries do not resolve their options; especially those trying to impose conditions on the regime and Russia by encouraging their militias to open new frontiers. Because of this, the monkeys will never rule as long as the tiger does not leave its den.The situation in Syria has reached a point where evasiveness is futile. There is no point in hiding behind slogans after seven years of civil war in which everyone got involved — from terrorist gangs to major countries. Some of these countries are looking for a way out to save face.Others are holding on to what they have gained in terms of influence and interests that they would not have achieved if Syria was not thrown into the tunnel of war without well-studied objectives. It is unfortunate that several Arab countries saw the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ an opportunity to expand their influence to other countries. These countries did not put into consideration their relationship with each other in terms of national security. They are like domino pieces on one line; if one falls, the others will follow.This is what should have been realized at the start of calls to support the ‘creative chaos’ scheme. At the end, it became clear to everyone that they were tools with different capacities. No one was pure enough to perform the role of making radical change in the region, because the targeted countries have been accused as well.This is what happened in Libya where everyone should have learned from what transpired and prevented the same scenario from happening in Syria or any other place. Libya should not have been compared to a country like Iraq, it should have been compared to a country like Switzerland.Admittedly, Colonel Muammar Gaddafiwas not the best ruler, but at the same time, Libya is not like Iraq infested with terror groups like ‘DAESH’, ‘Brotherhood’, ‘Ansar Shariah’ and others operated by countries whose desires are not secrets to anyone. It is also unfortunate that Arabs got divided between those in favor and supporters of Arab Spring as if they were immune from it, while others opposed it and some even adopted the ‘keeping off’ stand as their slogan. Attempts to win the rule by terror monkeys have continued for seven years in all countries which made Syria, Tunisia and Libya as their references.Nonetheless, there are tigers which stood firm; although others went on to push the Arab countries which supported chaos into the hands of allies such as Iran and the terror gangs affiliated to it with the same concept and face as al- Qaeda, DAESH and other militias.In such a situation throughout the seven years, the Levant lived in the most catastrophic humanitarian condition and the Arabs did not learn from Iraq in terms of what could be the outcome.Since 2003 when the international forces were allowed to invade Iraq, this country was broken down and then delivered on a platter of skulls to Iran for the latter to start its expansionism scheme which is based on the chauvinistic credo shunned by Arab Shias before the Sunnis.In 2011, the Arab countries gave themselves a ticket to interfere in Syria as a way to serve their desires after the Daraa incident. At the same time, no one listened to the voice of wisdom which loudly said the major countries have a bigger desire in Syria than those of the Arabs — to destroy Syria.This objective is supposed to be realized whether Assad is the president or someone else, and whether the president is Sunni or Alawite. With that, Syria becomes the gateway for the destruction of Saudi Arabia, other Gulf countries and Egypt. The desires of some regional and international forces were clear, including the expansion of infl uence and control over Arab countries, as well as allow the Israel forces to prevail. No one has won in Syria. In fact, the world understands more the position of Assad’s regime and the alliance formed to eliminate terror gangs like DAESH.The case of Bashar al-Assad remaining in power is no longer bothering the United States of America, France, Britain, Italy and Germany; although everyone agrees on Russia’s interest in whatever remains in Syria. Perhaps, it is now time for the Arabs to let go of obstinacy and admit to have lost the war. They should follow the proper path towards ending miseries and helping the displaced to return to their country. They should realize that interfering in the affairs of others prompts others to do the same.The Arabs should also acknowledge that those who sponsored the war through funds or weapons failed to force the tiger from leaving its den after seven years and backstabbed their kin. Che Guevara said, “It is most difficult for someone to be stabbed by those close to him.” Today, there is dire need for courage to take a proper stand, particularly when the Syrians started resenting the existence of Iran in their country and lauding the position taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin considering his direct request for all foreign forces to exit, especially the Iranians.The new Syrian legislation known as law number 10 is a clear manifestation of this. It helps Arabs stand by the people of Syria who are energized to rebuild their country. Admitting a mistake is a virtue. I believe they do not lack courage to do so if they want to end the fire of terror, chaos and inability for their countries to unite one after another.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times[email protected]