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Ahmed Al-Jarallah

THE return of ISIS to threaten Kuwait through a large-scale terrorist act is not only alarming, but also raises many questions that everyone must take into consideration. This is especially since what the relevant agencies published about this plan is greater than what some people imagined. Why is it resurfacing now after it had faded away?

When three non-Kuwaitis come to the country to commit such a massacre, from which Almighty Allah spared Kuwait, the questions that must be asked are - Who facilitated their entry and provided everything they needed? Why were no official inquiries conducted about them? Were the citizens who supported them not known by the security services?”

No one can undertake this act on his own. There must be an incubating environment for such people that cover them up and provide them with all the requirements. More than that, it provides such elements with the legal status of their presence in the country. All of these matters cannot be hidden from the security services, which are supposed to have benefited from the experiences of the past, both distant and recent, in dealing with these files.

Unless democratic chaos has reached this security fence, it is necessary to reconsider the overall situation, identify the mistakes, and work on fortifying the internal arena.

Since the 1970s, Kuwait has been subjected to various attempts to destabilize its security, either through bombings, assassination attempts, or other terrorist acts, and every time there have been indications of those acts before they were carried out.

Some even believe that it is part of democracy to gossip and innuendo from a sectarian, factional, or tribal channel, and they have the right to say what they want in this regard.

In fact, campaigns are being launched against a certain component, and no one is doing anything. Negative behavior in this matter is bound to lead to serious consequences. We have an example nine years ago in the bombing of Al-Sadeeq Mosque.

Since the bombings in the 1970s and 1980s, and after the Iraqi invasion, Kuwait has been under the microscope of extremist groups.

Actually, an environment was created for it. Unfortunately, the internal front was not fortified. Also, the matter was left to the detriment of the moods of the influential people who support these ideas.

They also reached the National Assembly, all under the slogan of democracy, which was misunderstood, or exploited by those groups to impose more extremism.

In this matter, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and other sectarian groups are equal, as they are all affiliated with parties that want to harm Kuwait.

Today, with the revelation of this terrorist plan, which, if implemented, Allah forbid, would have added more fuel to the fire of division, it cannot be allowed to hide behind any cloak or slogan. Firmness is required, and the rulings must be deterrent and quick. No calculations must interfere with them that make the punishment not equal to the crime, nor be appropriate to incite any strife. Everyone is in the same boat.

Also, since the revelation of what was being prepared for Kuwait, some sectarian voices and those spreading poison have become active, especially on social media, which is filled with various gossip, accusations, and insinuations, all of which serve to fuel the strife that everyone must fight today.

Hence, all of this must be under the supervision of the leadership so that such an act is not repeated. The measures must be firm and decisive to block anyone who tries to undermine the stability of Kuwait. Otherwise, this will allow for any interventions.

Investigations and trials should be quick and public, because the situation cannot tolerate more confusion, either internally or regionally.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times