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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have decisively announced the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. In spite of the fact that this step should have been taken when the group started interfering with our internal affairs — through provocations or destructive operations — it is better late than never.

Even though the leader of this group — Hassan Nasrallah — continues to boast about his aggravations towards us as reflected in his provocative speeches which, by the way, is the only ‘honorable’ thing he does in his life; he needs to reconsider his stances and look deeply into Lebanon’s reality, as he made matters more complicated and dragged the country into a fierce civil war.

This measure is part of the ‘Decisive Storm’ whose first anniversary we are celebrating, because the effects of this group’s actions are not limited to Yemen as they include everyone who drove the people of Yemen into the furnace of war when Iran’s mercenaries transgressed legitimacy.

In addition, what is being achieved on Yemeni grounds coincides with what we hear daily about the rising reassurance level among GCC States, ability of the entire Arab world, its future, and their capability to prevent storms regardless of the origin.

Indeed, we also hear those who are saying that the storm has taken a long time. But in my opinion, it is still at the starting stage because its objective goes deeper than the restoration of legitimate authority in Yemen.

This storm is huge and it continues to rectify a long series of steps taken by those behind Iran’s infiltration scheme that targets the region; either by arming destructive groups like what happened in Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon or creating cells like in Bahrain, although everything was discovered and those involved have been charged.

In the United Arab Emirates, some groups were found to be funding terrorist organizations but UAE’s government managed to pull them out from the roots. In Kuwait, the Iranian intelligence stored weapons and then waited for the ‘D-day’ in order to instigate chaos but the security forces foiled the plan.

Because of all this, the storm has not stayed for long. Instead, it will continue without its mission to smash the aggression which is a natural development in combating the Iranian scheme. In fact, we are now at NATO Arabia as we crystallize our maneuvers through the ‘Northern Thunder’ military drill led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This came after the leaders of States participating in the military drill gathered during the closing ceremony when they announced their decisive position to unite in combating the organized Iranian terrorist scheme. From the burrows, Iran and its followers in the region should pay closer attention to certain maneuvers such as the military drill.

Perhaps, someone is wondering about the enormity of the cost or effects of this storm and that of the ‘northern thunder’ on GCC countries. People like this should realize that wealth is not more valuable than the nation . We do not want to live in luxury while under occupation and submission. We want to use the wealth we have to safeguard the pride, honor and glory of our nation. Wealth is useless if it makes us relinquish our right to freedom, independence and determination. If blood was made cheap in this issue, should we feel sorry about the wealth?

National considerations and pan-Arabism remain the most valuable asset in this storm which restored the glory of our nations. These nations almost surrendered at the brink of occupation which would have extended to Mecca, Madinah, other GCC States, and eventually to other Arab countries.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times