Salmiya coach Misha downplays Al-Qadisiya’s past success

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Misha and Ayed address the media on the eve of the final.

KUWAIT CITY, May 20: Salmiya’s Croatian coach, Ante Misha, expressed “great enthusiasm” ahead of the Amir Cup final against Al-Qadisiya, highlighting that his team had been eagerly anticipating this match and had prepared in the best possible way.

Misha acknowledged his respect for the Al-Qadisiya team, praising its distinguished players and top-level technical staff. Despite this, he expressed optimism about Salmiya’s chances, believing in his team’s potential to secure the title.

Misha emphasized that Al-Qadisiyah’s past successes do not necessarily give them an edge, noting that cup matches differ from league matches and demand greater focus and effective use of opportunities. He also downplayed the potential impact of Al-Qadisiya’s fan support, expressing confidence in Al-Samawi players’ ability to handle the pressure. He further mentioned that his team does not have any significant absences, allowing him to select the best-suited players for the match.

Salmiya player Ayed added, “We will enter the match with high concentration, and whoever makes the fewest mistakes will win the title.” Ayed hopes that their efforts this season will be rewarded by winning the prestigious cup.

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