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On June 12, the Russian people celebrate its national holiday - Russia Day. Essentially, this date is associated with the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty in 1990 by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which then was the nucleus of the Soviet Union. After the USSR’s dissolution, our country has become known as the Russian Federation.

The Russian Ambassador to Kuwait Vladimir Zheltov

In civilizational prospect, Russia is a unique entity also called “the Russian World” with its own identity and statehood. Its rich history dates back centuries, amounting to more than a millennium. Russia’s roots derive from Ancient Rus’ (named by historians as Kievan Rus’) which later took shape as Moscow Tsardom, then evolved into the Russian Empire and in the twentieth century appeared as the Soviet Union. The modern Russian Federation is the successor state of the USSR. Therefore, the traits of our national character combine civilizational continuity, loyalty to our past and aspiration to the future.

We treasure our Fatherland’s history and remember all ordeals that fell onto our ancestors’ lot. We also take pride in the achievements and the contribution of our country to the global civilization. Russia gave the world many outstanding and renowned writers, composers, artists, and scientists. Russian culture in all its diversity is a significant and integral part of the global cultural heritage. Due to its weight, might, and influence, Russia has been present on the international arena throughout ages. Our country remains one of the world’s greatest powers and one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

More than once, Russia has foiled aggressive plans of notorious conquerors such as Napoleon and Hitler. Our decisive contribution to the victory over Nazism in World War II is evident and undeniable. It is the Soviet Union that broke the backbone of the once invincible German military machine. Hence, the attempts of the United States and its Western satellites to rewrite world history and attribute this victory exclusively to themselves look absurd and ridiculous.

Our country made a substantial contribution to supporting national liberation movements of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America and to bringing to an end the West European colonialist system based on a shameful concept of racial superiority and segregation. The USSR’s assistance to newly established developing nations also played a significant role in attaining their full independence and sovereignty.

Nowadays humanity faces new challenges. We are witnessing the decline of the obsolescent Western-centric global order, while the failing hegemony is attempting to keep this collapsing system afloat at any cost despite the ongoing irreversible global changes. In such realities, Russia stands for the establishment of a fair multipolar world order based on the principles of true equality, mutual respect and consideration of other parties’ interests, non-interference in internal affairs as well as equal security for all.

Russia and like-minded states strongly oppose the so-called “rules-based international order” enforced by the US-led collective West for the rest of the world. In fact, most of the countries, in general, and those of the Global South, in particular, grow tired of dictate, pressure, and sanctions threats of the collective West with its notorious exceptionalism and imposition of pseudo-values on the rest of the world. Even worse are the West’s attempts to contain their geopolitical rivals, first of all Russia. All means and instruments are being used, including proxies such as Kiev’s regime, sanctions and blatant pressure on our friends and like-minded partners.

Russia has always treated the Arab world with respect. Our cooperation was built on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual benefit. This fully applies to friendly Kuwait, which became the first Arab Gulf state to establish diplomatic relations with our country back in 1963. Last year we celebrated their sixtieth anniversary. We value the traditionally pragmatic and balanced approach of the Kuwaiti leadership to its foreign relations. It demonstrates the highest wisdom and consistency of the emirate’s rulers.

Bilateral contacts at different levels have never stopped. They bore special meaning during the difficult period for the emirate when it was under Saddam’s occupation. The Amirs of Kuwait visited Russia twice: Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah in 1991 and Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah in 2015. We maintain fruitful foreign policy cooperation regardless of the changes in the international situation. The heads of our foreign ministries communicate regularly in different formats. Just last year they met in Moscow twice: in July on the sidelines of the 6th session of the Russia-GCC Strategic Dialogue and in November during the visit of the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister to Russia.

Pragmatism and mutual benefit define the Russian-Kuwaiti economic ties. Oil policy is a special area of interest, taking into account mutual energy priorities. Our close interaction and coordination within the “OPEC+” format help maintain stable oil prices. Regardless of the global political environment, the steady growth of Russian food exports to the world markets, including that in the Middle East, allows for more of our agricultural products to be supplied to Kuwait and other GCC countries.

Another area of mutually beneficial cooperation is the military-technical sphere. One cannot but highlight the strengthening of our ties in the humanitarian realm and in the field of tourism. The launch of direct flights by Jazeera Airlines between Moscow and Kuwait City at the beginning of last year and the introduction of the Russian electronic visas for Kuwaiti citizens contributed to increasing the number of tourists from the emirate to our country almost tenfold. More and more Kuwaitis are discovering Russia as an attractive tourist destination. All necessary conditions are in place – rich cultural and historical heritage, abundant nature, modern infrastructure and last but not least safety and order on the streets.

In the field of cultural relations, the upcoming year of 2025 will witness holding the “Russian Seasons” in Kuwait, which will become a landmark event in our bilateral relations.

By H.E. Vladimir Zheltov
Ambassador of Russia to Kuwait