‘The Muslim Brotherhood is the origin of the scourge. All our problems came from the Muslim Brotherhood and those who created these currents and spread their ideals,” said Nayef Bin Abdulaziz in 2002. “The Muslim Brotherhood is the third biggest threat to Saudi Arabia after Iran and terrorism,” Mohammad Bin Salman said in 2017. Liars are those who claim that the Muslim Brotherhood is a peaceful group, does not seek evil, does not plan to overthrow regimes, does not aspire to rule over Islamic countries, nor impose religious caliphate, even in its own manner, as we saw in Egypt (of Mohammad Morsi). Since its establishment in Egypt in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood has literally interpreted texts from the Holy Quran to align it with their terrorist ideology. It was therefore no coincidence that they chose the two crossed swords, above the phrase ‘and prepare’, in reference to the Holy Quranic verse: ‘And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy’. This is the slogan of the group. There is no need to delve into the history of Muslim Brotherhood terrorism and the assassinations they have carried out against their opponents, but it is important to talk about the intellectual change that took place in the group which gave rise to violence according to the philosophy of Brotherhood. The most important of which is the ruling on contemporary Islamic societies as ignorant societies, calling for an armed coup against existing regimes and forcing them to apply the principles of Islamic law to remove them from ignorance and bring them into civilization. This happened when Sayyid Qutb was affiliated to the movement following which he set up a comprehensive Takfir theory. Qutb also called for the promotion of the Islamic Caliphate, rejection of the Western modernity, and the application of the principles of Islamic law instead of positive legislation. He also called for the adoption of an integrated theory of atonement for non-Muslims. Thus, it was not strange that the recent change in the position of Saudi Arabia, after the change of the position of the UAE of the Muslim Brotherhood. Prince Nayef quoting Al-Seyassah newspaper said that Abdulrahman Khalifa, Rashid Ghannouchi and Abdul Majeed al-Zindani visited him during the occupation of Kuwait. He asked them: ‘Do you accept the invasion of another country and the uprooting of its people? They replied that they came to listen and have opinions. Prince Nayef added: After the arrival of the Islamic delegation to Iraq, they surprised us with their pro-invasion statement! Despite all these facts, the Brotherhood is still finding a safe haven in Kuwait and everyone is looking for to please them. It was remarkable, for example, to see all this number of dignitaries, whom we respect rushing to congratulate senior leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in their fort in Kuwait on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, as if they were from another kind than their counterparts in Egypt, Gaza and elsewhere. email: [email protected] By Ahmad Al-Sarraf