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SOME people believe that the issuance of the final verdict on the ‘Parliament building storming’ case took a long time as deliberations and trials lasted for almost seven years.The truth is that the country need not take such a long time to complete the process, and to grant litigants ample time to prepare their defense and produce evidence especially for the suspects to defend themselves. Therefore, the verdict issued on Sunday was decisive and final.This is how the Kuwaiti justice system operates — in a composed and calm manner, unbiased as per the law governing it and the oath taken by the judges to gain national trust with courage and integrity.They (judges) issued rulings transparently and humanely as they excluded the deluded or skeptical from inciters, planners and those who led this crime which is classified as a threat to national security.Indeed, the majority of Kuwaitis waited for more severe punishment on everyone involved — lest such unlawful activities transform into an opening through which the wind of wreckage and chaos will pass through to push the country into the shafts of instability.This happened in countries where wreckers like the ‘Brotherhood’ and others who engaged in frivolities that led to civil wars until they became hotbeds for all kinds of foreign interferences and crimes.Nonetheless, the justice system, which relies on laws, sends a sense of reassurance that there are guards of justice who give credit where credit is due, as they detach their emotions and personal tendencies for the sake of absolute truth.Today, Kuwait has become safer and there is no longer fear of its future because equality in the eyes of the law foiled all delusional considerations that some had held on to.Some thought barricading behind immunity from prosecution will shield them from the hands of the law, or believing there is a powerful force which can change the course of justice, or using apocalyptic terminology will save the day.All these indicate the shortsightedness of such people and their lack of faith in the independence and integrity of the justice system in this country.Furthermore, this kind of thought must be washed out so that no one amongst us will strive to portray a distorted image of the independence of the judiciary.“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” Here, Kuwait has taken the right justice as it became common that every outlaw, powerful, the so-called activist or MP has the ability to impose his will on all authorities.In fact, this historic ruling changes the notion which has been prevailing for the past three decades and cuts off the road to anarchy forever.Finally, thank you to the judiciary which always fortifies its integrity, dignity and impartiality. Today, every Kuwaiti feels reassured in the State of laws where the guards of justice remain vigilant to protect it.By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times