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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Apr 16: The residents of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area continue to cry foul regarding the governmental neglect of their area, the destruction of infrastructure, and the spread of security, social and economic challenges. They demanded that the area be valued or transformed into a commercial or investment housing area. They indicated that they will resort to the judiciary to allow the sale of their properties, something that they have been denied for 15 years, considering that two types of real estate in Kuwait are not for sale - cemeteries and their real estate, reports Al-Rai daily.
One of the residents Dr. Muhammad Al-Haras held a press conference last month in his diwaniya in Rehab area.
During the press conference, he said, "Slums have become widespread in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh and other areas. 
Any official who accepts the situation of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area is a traitor to the principles of political and national virility. Solving this problem is a national duty. Money must be returned to the citizens who are deprived of selling the homes that they bought with their own money.
There are two things that cannot be sold in Kuwait - the properties in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area and the cemeteries. This is because of administrative disarray in not finding a solution to an area named after Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, which was established in 1965. Depriving people of selling their properties, the total number of which is 1,600, is a legitimacy and constitutional violation. They are being robbed of their money unjustly.
The matter will reach the judiciary corridors if the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh issue is not resolved by either evaluating it or transforming it into investment or commercial housing, or distributing its land as private housing for citizens after its acquisition".
Another resident Saud Al-Fahad ruled out the intention of the government to play any role in solving the problem of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area because of its inability.
He said, "Surprisingly, the area’s MPs are silent in demanding the rights of their voters, and they are aware of the problems of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area".
Al-Fahad stressed the need to develop solutions to return the money that the government stole by not allowing the sale of property in the area, adding that they used their own money to buy the properties, registered them at the Justice Palace and Municipality, and also paid the required fees, but are now prevented from selling without any realistic and understandable reason.
He highlighted that the area contains about 400,000 expatriates, and the government should think about finding housing for them before thinking about removing them from the area, as it would otherwise be contrary to humanitarian aspects, adding that this is evidence that the government lacks a clear vision in determining the time and the mechanism for resolving the problems in the area.
Furthermore, another resident Rashid Al-Mutairi said he considers the area to be ideal and strategically located, indicating that it is an opportunity for the government to realize its value as a commercial, entertainment and tourist center, but the government has no vision and is absent from the interests of the country and the people.
He stressed that many orphans own real estate properties in the area but they cannot sell them and have been deprived of inheritance as a result of the government’s prevention from selling the property 16 years ago, and even allowing them to be rented to companies. This has made Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh a den of corruption, vice, poor infrastructure, resulting in security and social problems. 
Al-Mutairi called on the government to take immediate action to solve the problem as soon as possible.
Also, Fahad Al-Rashed expressed his regret that the government always postpones resolving its issues, especially the popular ones, and lacks a clear vision in this regard, due to which its popularity reduces over time.
He stressed that the problem in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area appeared more than 15 years ago, especially with the prevention of any sale of real-estate and the neglect of some activities.
Al-Rashed said, “Commercial projects have been suspended, and infrastructure maintenance projects have been halted. There are no solutions for that yet. The solution has been left to time, but we do not know how much time”.
In this regard, another resident Yousef Al-Shatri explained that the lack of a quick solution to the area’s problems deprives Kuwait of benefiting from a strategic site that is suitable for all activities. The delay will cause moral and security problems for other areas. Also, owners of real-estate properties in this area are deprived of selling their properties.
He said, "We appeal to MPs, especially the MPs of the Fourth Constituency, to hold the government accountable for the confusion and delay in resolving the problem".
In addition, Dr. Muhammad Al-Haras invited the prime minister to visit his diwaniya, and tour Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area in order to see "what no one believes is in Kuwait" because the area is dilapidated in all its aspects.
He said he hopes to meet a delegation of people who have sent messages to him in this regard, affirming his determination to adopt the case so that the residents of the area can celebrate the end of this problem and the return of their rights.
Dr. Al-Haras said he considers Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area to be an exemplary area located between Kuwait International Airport, Jaber Stadium and Shadadiyah University, bordered by highways, and only 16 minutes away from downtown, affirming that, "Profiteers will drool over these specifications”.