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Former Saudi Minister and Ambassador Ahmad Al-Qattan was born in 1953 and he was the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Cairo during the critical era from 2011 to 2016.

He received his education and stayed in Cairo which he knew well. In a televised interview with Mona El-Shazly, Qattan said the Vice General Guide of Muslim Brotherhood Khairat Al Shater lied when he in 2012 said that Saudi leadership offered $4 billion to Muslim Brotherhood to hand over former president Hosni Mubarak to Saudi Arabia after the breakout of the Egyptian uprising in 2011.

It is too difficult to believe that the offer was made and it is also unbelievable that such offer is rejected. Al-Qattan said he was officially informed in February 2021 that the winner of the Egyptian presidential elections held in 2012 was Lieutenant Ahmad Shafiq and not the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Muhammad Morsi.

He added that he was pleased to announce Morsi’s victory, because otherwise he would have prompted the Brotherhood, without hesitation, to burn Egypt, because they were then controlling the street. He said that he was confident that their actions would expose them within a year, as they are not fit to rule Egypt! And they were already stripped during their only year of rule.

In another interview, Ambassador Ahmad Qattan confirmed that he did not feel comfortable during his first meeting with the presidential candidate, and then the ousted president Muhammad Morsi, and described him as a man whose brain has other issues. This is evidence of the validity of what we have repeated so much that the Brotherhood, after 100 years of political action, are very unsuccessful in choosing someone to represent them, speak on their behalf, and their representatives or candidates in Kuwait is the best witness!

On the other hand, Prince Turki Al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence, confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood cannot be trusted, indicating that they worked in the Kingdom, but their allegiance remained to the guide and not to the ruler, and he stated that he met within a committee commissioned by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques with delegates from the Brotherhood in Jeddah during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and it was found that they support Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, although the latter was one of their biggest supporters.

He explained how he and the Crown Prince at the time, Prince Nayef, met with the Brotherhood delegation, including Rashid al-Ghannushi, the Tunisian, al-Turabi, al-Sudani, and others, and they asked their questions, and they knew our position against the invasion, but they went to Iraq and met Saddam and publicly supported the return of Kuwait to Iraq!

I received from a friend a set of videos related to interviews of some political figures, which he kept in his archives. The first related to a part of an interview with the preacher Tariq Suwaidan, in which he says in response to a question whether Saddam had offered them, as the Brotherhood, the rule of Kuwait, and he replied angrily that this is incorrect and shameful for his saying and repeating it.

When asking the same question to Mr. Mubarak Al-Duwailah, in another program, he said that the Gulf Brotherhood have no ambition for power, and that Saddam offered them, during the occupation, the rule of Kuwait, but they refused.

In an interview with the preacher Ayed Al-Qarni, he says that he is not from the Brotherhood and does not belong to them, and he denies that. But he forgot that he had said, in a previous interview, while he was in Egypt, during the Morsi era, that he was from the Brotherhood, praising Muhammad Morsi, describing him as the president of all Egyptians, repeating his name and praising him!

As for the other, Nasser Al-Duwailah, he also gave an interview in which he denies his affiliation with the Brotherhood, forgetting that he said in a previous interview that he is one of them, and one of their cadres.

I have all these interviews for anyone who wants to see them, or who still believes that there is good behind the “Brotherhood”!

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf