Since December 2016, I have been working for a private company under project visa. After two years contract completion, the company terminated me with three months notice period. As per labour law is it possible to get local transfer?
- From my side there is no issue to give transfer.
- I am an engineering graduate but I don’t have NBA approval.
Name withheld
Answer: As per the labour law, the company is not bound to give you a release and can decide to send you back to your country after the completion of the project for which you were hired. On the other hand, if the company has no objection to giving you a transfer, it can transfer you only to another government project of a different sponsor after a payment of KD 300. Without NBA approval, it might be difficult for you to get a noobjection certificate from Kuwait Engineers Society and without the no-objection certificate it will be difficult to execute any transfer.
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